A Change of Guard

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Monday, 28 September 2015

Bar association rebuts report

Bar association rebuts report
Mon, 28 September 2015 ppp
Pech Sotheary
IBA Human Rights Institute director Dr Philip Tahmindjis (right) talks during a press conference to launch the report Justice Versus Corruption earlier this month in Phnom Penh. Pha Lina
“We have seen a lot of corruption in other countries, but nothing on the endemic level that appears to be going on here,”

The Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia (BAKC) has hit back at a damning report from the International Bar Association (IBA), refuting accusations that it is a politicised facilitator of endemic corruption in the judiciary.

In a statement released on Saturday, the BAKC insisted it supports and protects its members, who maintain professional and ethical conduct that is untainted by political considerations.

The statement suggested the report released by the IBA’s Human Rights Institute on September 17 was not thoroughly investigated and largely reliant on outdated hearsay.

“This report . . . is incorrect and dramatically biased; it might be an attempt to ruin the attorney profession and deceive the Cambodian society,” the statement said.

BAKC president Bun Hun yesterday refused to expand on the statement.

At the time of publishing its report, Justice Versus Corruption: Challenges to the Independence of the Judiciary in Cambodia, the IBA said it had based its findings on a weeklong fact-finding mission in April, during which its representatives met with Cambodian lawyers, judges and civil society representatives.

The report lambasted the endemic corruption, bribery and political influence it said it found in the Kingdom’s judiciary and suggested the BAKC should have its membership of the IBC reviewed.

“We have seen a lot of corruption in other countries, but nothing on the endemic level that appears to be going on here,” said IBA Human Rights Institute director Dr Philip Tahmindjis during a press conference to launch the report.

The IBC criticised the BAKC for being “highly politicised” and clearly aligned with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, while suggesting it failed to defend its members associated with the opposition.

The IBC also noted the “troubling” accusations that both lawyers and judges had to pay significant sums to enter the profession, including bribes of up to $50,000 to enter the Royal Academy for Judicial Professions.

The retort from the BAKC came just days after UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia Rhona Smith called for rule of law to be strengthened in the Kingdom during a press conference marking the end of her first official visit since being appointed in March.

“Developing and ensuring the independence of those bodies with specific roles in the protection of human rights, particularly the judiciary, is essential for building the stable democratic nation Cambodians aspire to live in,” she said on Thursday.

1 comment:

Kim Ea said...

You are a real pinhead, you can't repudiate the fact,but it doesn't mean you are did a good job as prosecutors layers and judges .The fact is the fact it is there undeniable,you guy commit so many treason flawless in the face o Khmer innocent who are deeply need and depend upon your pinhead justice . your court, your justice system are base heavily on money bribe ,partisanship , cronies and impunity, but not justice in the law book . Khmer all over the countries even infants know exactly what happened ,just your the highest corruption only dare to coming out shamelessly to repudiation this well found evidence with baseless antagonistic . We Khmer as a whole fed up with your corrupt and injustice for so long , and we need to change or move beyond this to day embed with fascist regime . Could you dare to tell Khmer What are your real independent mind ? why dictatorship leader just order by megaphone a few word and hour later your justice department jump in like crazy gangster to fallowed suit, with no any procedural or no any warrant from judge /and execute his order right away ? in seem smelling fishy isn't it ? how about the case of Chhouk Bandith ,your ministry, ignore and leave ending time to prosecute so many years by denying any possibility to do so because you don't know where they are about ? and just a few hours about dictator allowed to caught him , he popped out from your nose in a broad day ,did this is an amazingly suspicious and real fishy isn't it did all of this event is and fault accusation too . and how about the poor go to prison , when the luxury SUV of rich cronies or powerful person vehicle collide with them wrongly and they been accuse at fault without any thoroughly investigation and put them in jail ? You may absolutely denied that for the sake of your harmony job ,but Khmer innocent of ten of thousands shred tear everyday from separation or harmful of splitting their family apart .Did that a wrongful baseless assertion too .