Khmer political atmosphere of today have divide in 2 fault lines and deep resentment of idea and spirit. The CPP who are the die-hard an unrepentant supporter of government, doesn't care much of wrong or right. Other way the CNRP, the unbelievable side of the spectrum of the government side, have more doubtful and less cooperation with them as well. The two camps have a far reaching point of view and problematic in the faithful serving communities mechanism . Especially in border problem they are so disdain and far different from the main starting point. these split point of view, became a thorny obstacle to resolve their mindset of building up their country future . One camp want the truth of what the government did in the past, and another camp with full power to administer the country want to refuse the accusation and use power of intimidation, warning or arrest and do what ever they can or use jurisdiction to smash someone who dare to demand the truth . Both of them stop to realize they are all state employees and have only a duties to perform their jobs to serve or leverage the harmony and well being of their people. Every day the party who don't have any power in the executive branch want to expose wrongdoing of the government in execution of their job. The camp who hole all power, from administrative apparatus to military and securities, or judiciary in their hand don't have much gut to tell the truth to their citizen as well . If this camp diligently work hard to serve their constituencies or people in the country, why they have nothing to scare a bout what they doing? why your team, are so irritate and anger about all this accusation? Your good work will judge you in the eyes to people and your credit score will prevail over the wrong accusation , at least you have something wrong to worry about isn't it? . Please antagonism and antonym part in you association expose some wrongdoing. The explosive situation can not or will not catalyst the truthfulness work done in the border .This unsatisfactory or can say untrustworthy of this team of demarcation for the border lost to vietnam can cause a tremendous antonym between the two parties. If you are real Khmer and want to work for Khmer interest, you ought to bush aside the suspicious and shake hand work together for the sake of your nation .
Khmer political atmosphere of today have divide in 2 fault lines and deep resentment of idea and spirit. The CPP who are the die-hard an unrepentant supporter of government, doesn't care much of wrong or right. Other way the CNRP, the unbelievable side of the spectrum of the government side, have more doubtful and less cooperation with them as well. The two camps have a far reaching point of view and problematic in the faithful serving communities mechanism . Especially in border problem they are so disdain and far different from the main starting point. these split point of view, became a thorny obstacle to resolve their mindset of building up their country future . One camp want the truth of what the government did in the past, and another camp with full power to administer the country want to refuse the accusation and use power of intimidation, warning or arrest and do what ever they can or use jurisdiction to smash someone who dare to demand the truth . Both of them stop to realize they are all state employees and have only a duties to perform their jobs to serve or leverage the harmony and well being of their people. Every day the party who don't have any power in the executive branch want to expose wrongdoing of the government in execution of their job. The camp who hole all power, from administrative apparatus to military and securities, or judiciary in their hand don't have much gut to tell the truth to their citizen as well . If this camp diligently work hard to serve their constituencies or people in the country, why they have nothing to scare a bout what they doing? why your team, are so irritate and anger about all this accusation? Your good work will judge you in the eyes to people and your credit score will prevail over the wrong accusation , at least you have something wrong to worry about isn't it? . Please antagonism and antonym part in you association expose some wrongdoing. The explosive situation can not or will not catalyst the truthfulness work done in the border .This unsatisfactory or can say untrustworthy of this team of demarcation for the border lost to vietnam can cause a tremendous antonym between the two parties. If you are real Khmer and want to work for Khmer interest, you ought to bush aside the suspicious and shake hand work together for the sake of your nation .
វា៉ គិមហុង ជាជនជាតិយួនដែលត្រូវបានលោកលន់នល់ជះចោលកាលពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧០តាមទន្លេមេកុង ត្រូវបានត្រឡប់មកវិញក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩ ពេលវៀតណាមបានឈ្លានពានកម្ពុជា[ Invadeed]ក្រោយពីមិនចុះសម្រុងគ្នាពីកិច្ចការព្រំុដែនដែលរៀបចំឡើងដោយមានសម្ដេចសីហនុជាប្រធានហើយបានលាលែងវិញនោះ ក៏ជាឪកាសល្អសំរាប់ពួកក្បត់នឺងជា ពេលដ៏ល្អសំរាប់យួនផងក៏ពួកវាចាប់រៀបជាផ្មី ដោយដាក់យួនវា៉ គិមហុងជាប្រធាន ឯ កុយ ពីសី តាលមើលទំរង់មុខនឺងអាកប្បកិរិយាដូចយួនដែរជាអនុប្រធាន តាលព្ញុពាក្សច អារាមផាគេទាំងពីរជាសង្សាអាផ៏កំបាំងនឺងក្នា តើពិតទេ ?
បើមិនជឿបងប្អូនមើលទំរង់មុខវា៉គិមហុងពេលនេះគាត់កំពុងក្ដៅក្រហាយជាមួយលោក អ៊ុម សំអាន គាត់បញ្ចេញកំហឺង ដែលបង្ហាញសភាពកញ្ជ្រោងលាក់កន្ទុយជាយួនបិះបិទ សូមជួយវិភាគ ?
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