A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 2 April 2015

Power and bestiality in the reign of VC and Xamdaach


Anonymous said...

Ask Ah Kwack Hun Sen. Ah Kwack is the law.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Now that Sam Rainsy has joined National Assembly, he is no longer supporting the people's cause. He starts to support Mr. Hun Sen and CPP's in exchange for position, title, and pay.

Do you see Sam Rainsy go to the land disputes to support the people any more. Nope. The corrupted officials will kill him. Not even Mr. Hun Sen dares to provokes those greedy officials. There are so many of them.

I did a social experiment, formed an online game guild of 2,000 gamers. Most guilds have 50 - 200 people, but my guild was special. I used the model from the ancient Chinese Lord Mengchang.

I was involved in helping the Chinese game gold-farmers. They killed monstr bosses for items to sell for in game gold, then sold the gold for real world dollars. That's their jobs, working for a Chinese game trade company. I bought their items in bulks for cheap then sell them in retails for more.

As a result, I was immensely rich in game, easily the top 10 richest player. So, I opened guild to feed the poor and the new gamers. Gamer flocked to my guild in the thousands. Over 3 years, I think 5,000 people came through my guild.

Among such large number, there arose talents. They stepped up and took chores in the guild. I paid them in game gold as salaries. Soon, there always politics.

My generals always tried to take over my guild, "You are so busy with work, why don't you transfer the presidency to me. I can run your guild better than you. You are away due to work often, I am online every night."

I had to use my diplomatic skill to keep these greedy officers in check. I tried to get rid of those greedy officers and have more non-greedy players to become officers. But non-greedy players did not want power, did not want to serve, they just wanted to lay low and play the game.

Some time my generals would gang up and gave me an ultimatum, "Give us the power, or we quit." I told them ok, "Then quit."

The generals will say, "When we quit, we will ask the people to follow us to the next guilds."

It happened again and again. My guild got broken up. Half of the guildies bonded with their generals and followed them. They would not listen to what I said. The other half would stay.

That's the way it is. In 3 years, I learned so much about human nature. Gaming is an accelerated simulation of life.

That all said, Cambodia will always have those greedy Generals. If Sam Rainsy dares to touch them, he will be wiped out.

If you cannot even fix the much weaker rapists, and confront them, don't even think about challenging the greedy Generals.

Get riel.
