A Change of Guard

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Friday, 3 April 2015

Appreciation to School of Vice

I wish to express my appreciation to School of Vice for helping to manage this blog during my absence. I was sick and flat out and without his assistance in updating the news, the blog would be out of date.

Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation from the bottom of heart to School of Vice for a job well done.


Now, please enjoy Kolab Battambang, sung by the legendary singer Sin Sisamuth


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dog Drgunzet,

We feel so sorry for the Yuon race by
producing such a low life like YOU to disgrace its own race.

How pathetic !

Got it ? Get it ? Good!

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmerization,

Your readers and fans regret you were
sick. We know you have been working very hard to keep Khmerization up and running well. Also our thanks to Mr. School of Vice for his help.

For the coming New Year, your readers and fans would like to wish you and your family success, prosperity and longevity.

Anonymous said...

Help yourself fist before trying to help other, little stupid youn. Khmer don't need your help and if you want to help Khmer, you must get an education.

Khmer can use educated people to help rebuild Cambodia, but Khmer don't need stupid people that pretended to be educate.

Thank you my little youn friend, for your concerns with the Khmer well being.

STUPID youn...

Anonymous said...

Burn candles from both ends you'll likely get stomach ulcers.


Anonymous said...

1 April 2015 4:38 pm
Dr Gun Jet,

Your help will be like your help in 1979.
You killed Khmer people first to create chaos, then came in as Khmer's rescuers.

Khmer people don't need Yuon's help.Just get your stinky asses out of Cambodia, that's what we wanted.

Ho Chi Shit

Anonymous said...

Our appreciation also goes to SOV, but please do not allow yourself to be challenge by others.

I can see that you want to be fair by allowing the Drushit to se this platform to express his troll, including attacking and belitting our people.

There is no reasond ro you to allow Drushit and his kind to take advantage of our situation, and there is also no reason for you to post the Vietnamese news on this blog.

We are not interested in the the Vietnanese news. The only person who will be reading this is Drushit. And you are doing this for him, the same reason why Khmerization and Ki Media is going downhill.

Anonymous said...

2 April 2015 9:00 am

Don't be so closed mind stupid.
Get out of your shell turtle man.

If you feel so dumb, don't try to give advice to people.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

My logic is simple. I am Asian and so are you. But you are the only known Asians who have killer mentality. You are dumb and useless. You give Asians bad reputation.

That said, I demand you to improve, stop making troubles, lay low.

I seem to have difficulty to help you, so I will go to other races' forums to get other races to help you.


Anonymous said...

All of you is the ultra and extremist idiots. No achievement in the world made by ultra and those ultra tends to create more chaos hatreds divide and destruction....right. They are born to destroy...school of vice is one of them. You strike hard against 14 millions hunger poor desperate Khmer for decade...looks khmerization EU, USA, put economic sanction against poor hunger dirty skeletons sickness Khmer.... Right.? And you support them for years...are you human enough.. !!!. I dounewbts it..why not build clean water , hospitals, schools or foods for those skeleton hunger Khmer.. Why.not...three millions tonight bombs !!!!what if it drop in new York...Mike

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

You folks should listen to Mike: why not build clean water , hospitals, schools or foods for those skeleton hunger Khmer.

Do you see Kem Sokha, Sam Rainsy's cars? They are very expensive. Have you seen Kem Sokha's daughter in a fancy designer dress? In the 5-star hotel. The article wrote, "She could be mistaken as a glamorous model."

You folks should learn from Gandhi. The great leader always dress simple and poor. He often walked bare-feet.


Anonymous said...

Idiot kem sok svar is belong to jail. We cant afford to have animal on our street. Arnt we ? All of you is the ultra and extremist idiots. No achievement in the world made by ultra and those ultra tends to create more chaos hatreds divide and destruction....right. They are born to destroy...school of vice is one of them. You strike hard against 14 millions hunger poor desperate Khmer for decade...looks khmerization EU, USA, put economic sanction against poor hunger dirty skeletons sickness Khmer.... Right.? And you support them for years...are you human enough.. !!!. I doubted it..why not build clean water , hospitals, schools or foods for those skeleton hunger Khmer.. Why.not...three millions ton of USA bombs on your parent heard ! IsIs it USAUSA have the right to bomb on you and a special right for you must support this bombards...it too stupids to afford it.!!!what if it drop in new York...Mike

Anonymous said...

Yuon Drgunzet,

You've been trying very hard diverting Khmers'attention from the rootcauses of the Khmer problems.
Hun Sen was never elected ( free and fair) by the Khmer people, but instead SELECTED by Hanoi.

To solve Khmer problems, prosecute
Hanoi key leaders.

Anonymous said...

drgunzet Gandhi has dark skin.Why should you take dark skin an example of good leader and Mr Obama he is a black president of USA you should look down on him and say something nasty about him because he is after all a dark skin person.If you selectively choose Khmer to be degraded then you are a confused asshole.
Anyway i dare the youn commy to send their arm forces to South China Sea to confront a more superior Chinese navy and get bloody nose.

Anonymous said...

Khmer needs to shut up & make a change. All you do is complain, never take responsibilities & always blame others. It's always someone else faults.

Anonymous said...

3 April 2015 12:52 pm

How about your evil Yuon get out of Cambodia first, then there will be no blame on your asshole Yuon race.

Ho Chi Shit

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Khmer folks need to practice what they demand. If you want Vietnamese to get out of Cambodia, first you must get out of America, Canada, Australia, and so on. You are a useless race, nobody will want you. You are murderous, everyone is afraid being around you.

Just read the Phnom Penh Post's Police column. See for yourself, the Khmer folks can easily and quickly flip out to kill you with an ax or butch knife.

This White guy made a video describing how close he was beaten to death by a bunch of Khmer kids. His video clip's title:



You folks do not look good to the Whites. I've checked on Khmer440's forum. The Whites despite you.


Anonymous said...

12:52 pm

You are either a Yuon or a Yuon's dog!