A Change of Guard

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Monday, 9 March 2015

Cambodian scholars support China's 2015 defense budget

Chheang Vannarith

Web Editor: Si Huan 

Cambodian experts have voiced their support for China's defense budget for 2015, saying it will build a solid national defense.[Special coverage]
China on Thursday sets its 2015 defense budget at 886.9 billion yuan (about 144.2 billion U.S. dollars), a 10.1 percent rise year- on-year and its lowest increase in five years. "The rise is reasonable and in line with China's defense needs. There is nothing strange about this," Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Cambodia's Council of Ministers, told Xinhua on Friday. "I commend China for enhancing its defense sector in order to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity and to ensure peace, security and development."
Phay Siphan believes that China's solid defense sector poses no threat to the region. "Through its history until the present time, I have never seen China use its armed forces to conquer other countries," he said. " China's foreign policy has adhered to a path of peaceful development, so China's strong defense sector will benefit Asia."
Chheang Vannarith, a senior researcher at the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, said on Saturday that China's defense budget for 2015 is reasonable, due to the size of its economy and its national security requirements.
He agreed that China's increasing military capability would pose no threat to the region. "China has shown its commitment to pursuing a doctrine of peaceful development without threatening other countries," he said. "Without regional peace and stability, China cannot sustain its economic growth and provide opportunities to its huge population."


Anonymous said...

I agreed that China had never used her armed forces to take anyone land in the past. In the past China could barely defend her borders. Now their armed forces are 2nd only to the U.S. There always the first time. She could use her military might to beat down Vietnam, India, Philipine, Japan. If China fight Japan America will surely involve and WW III anyone!I hope China only use limited navals and air forces beat down those big ego victorious Vietnamese only. Viets deserved for been hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

@10 March 2015 3:13 am

I agreed that China had never used her armed forces to take anyone land in the past.
One with zero historical knowledge like you should sit back and learn instead of praying for war.


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

@10 March 2015 3:13 am
I agreed that China had never used her armed forces to take anyone land in the past.

I am a superior Asian, sent by God to shine the light on the evil and murderous Khmer. I read thousand of books and tens of thousand articles. Let me shine some light here.b

_ 1950, China invaded Tibet and took over a huge country. For Thousands and thousands of years, no army can conquer Tibet because of the very thin air on the Tibetan plateau. Only modern breathing contraption can aid an invading army to do so.

_ 1962, after duping India into "Chini Indi, baihai baihai", China launch a massive surprise attack on a broad front of thousand miles wide. China took two large swathes of lands from India, totally almost a third of Cambodia in size.

_ 1969, after decades of receiving helps, aids, technology boosts from Soviet Union, China launched an ambush against Soviet border's patrol, wiping out a whole battalion of the Soviet troops. China then rushed up, took over an island in a river which serve as the border between China and Soviet Union. China fortified it but got crushed by the Soviet Union later.

_ During 1950s, 1960s, China launched mass attacks against Taiwanese island. Their were so much metals from the shelling, the local islanders later on collected and sells metals for scraps in the tons for years to come. If USA did not repeatedly deployed the 7th fleet at Taiwan Straight, Taiwan would have been gone by now.

Do I need to go into the 1970s and so on? China launched surprised attacks against Burma, South Vietnam, Vietnam multiple times.

Khmer race is a worthless race, at the end of the evolution branch. I don't see how Khmer race can survive in the future. Other races are taller, bigger, stronger, smarter and nicer. Oh, one more thing, other races are prettier too, with light skin.


Unknown said...
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