A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sourn Serey Ratha apply for the party registration again

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) --  Cambodian-American Sourn Serey Ratha is seeking for second time to create a political party in Cambodia after his request was denied for lacking of enough documents.
Ratha, , President of US-based Khmer People Power Movement, sent a letter last Friday to Interior Minister Sar Kheng, asking to form Khmer People Power Party.
"80 Cambodians and I agree and initiate to create Khmer People Power Party where its headquarters is located on street #2 in Phnom Penh Thmey commune, Sen Sok district, Phnom Penh," he said in the letter.
Sar Kheng, also Deputy Prime Minister, hasn't yet made response over the request.
Last month, Sourn Serey Rath was sentenced in absentia by Phnom Penh Municipal Court to seven years imprisonment on the charges of treason, obstructing electoral procedures in 2013, and attempt to topple the Cambodian government. 

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