Sam Rainsy at the National Assembly on Friday. Pha Lina
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy today obtained an analog TV license for his party and a future parliamentary position as the officially recognised minority leader, in return for a major concession on election reform to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party.
A joint statement released after a closed-door meeting between Prime Minister Hun Sen, Rainsy and high-ranking officials from both sides at parliament confirmed that the premier had agreed to grant an analog TV license to a private company on behalf of the CNRP.
It also says that both leaders had agreed that a new National Election Committee law being drafted by the two parties, along with upcoming amendments to the election law, would be completed by the end of February.
The internal rules of the assembly will be amended to officially recognise minority parties that win seats in parliament, with the minority leader to have a rank formally recognised as equal to prime minister, the statement says.
Rainsy has said in the past that he wants to see a Westminster-style shadow government in the National Assembly with an officially recognised opposition leader, but yesterday said what had been agreed was more similar to the US system.
“In the US, the minority leader has rights and privileges; his role is recognised and respected. Such an institution functions well in the US, so if we can replicate that system in Cambodia, it will be a good formula,” he said in a phone interview.
But even as the CNRP appeared to score victories on this and the TV license, it caved on a key demand that citizens with multiple nationalities be allowed to sit on a revamped National Election Committee.
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, CPP election reform negotiator Kert Rith said that citizens holding any nationality other than Cambodian would not be allowed to sit on the nine-member NEC, which is being overhauled following a political agreement on July 22.
“Both top leaders agreed with the condition,” he said.
The decision would seemingly rule out rights activist Pung Chhiv Kek, whom both parties had agreed in July could serve as the new NEC’s 9th “consensus candidate” but who also has French and Canadian citizenship, as a candidate.
But Rainsy claimed that the agreement would not necessarily mean someone like Kek would have to cancel their passports. Instead, he said, the NEC member would have to “kind of suspend” their nationality while they sit on the committee, though he admitted that he could not yet detail any legal procedure for how this would work.
“Once he has completed his mission and he stops being an NEC member, there must be a procedure to recover [the citizenship],” he said.
“We will ask US lawyers, international lawyers, French lawyers and diplomats and government officials to explain and help us find a solution.”
The opposition did get the CPP to agree that the appointment of the secretary-general and deputy secretary-general of the NEC would require a majority vote from NEC members. The CPP had previously wanted the NEC president to appoint those administrative positions.
In a statement providing more details on the TV licence, the Ministry of Information said it had seized an analog channel from an unidentified cable TV operator for the CNRP’s use.
Rainsy had complained earlier this week that the government had refused to provide his party with a TV license until a planned switch to digital broadcasting is completed, because there were no available analog licenses.
But late Thursday night, Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said in a message that an executive order had come from the premier to take back a license that had been granted to another company.
Today's statement said that the switch to digital would take too long and thus Cambodian Independent Media, a company representing the opposition, would be given the analog licence when they formally apply.
The company will be given a 120m tall, 10 kilowatt radio tower in Phnom Penh and one kilowatt relay stations in the provinces, it said.
The opposition has long said that unequal access to broadcast media has impeded its ability to reach voters in the rural heartlands.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Give Sam Rainsy some money and a title, he will stop protesting. When he has nothing to lose, he will fight harder. But then again, we all know he will run away really fast if there is any trouble. He would let his people to go to jail for him.
ឣាកន្ទូប វេទិការនេះ សំរាប់ ឣាឆ្កួកឣែងហើយ។
Scam Rainsy is falling into Huyen Xen's trick again. Scam Rainsy had the upperhand, now his hands are tied. Scam Rainsy thinks Huyen Xen is giving him a fair stand, but Huyen Xen knows that the more he is closer to him, the more Khmer will hate Scam Rainsy.
Scam Rainsy can lie all he wants about joining the government isnt joining CPP. But we all know that Scam Rainsy is now working with Huyen Xen.
Soon Huyen Xen, will play another trick and send another person to prison. And Scam Rainsy will have to negotiate again.
Scam raincy have upper hand? You idiot . your ignorance are a loser forever. Till today you never learn anything. Many stupid nationalist crap was cheated by crook till end of your animal life.
now i can't say anything better than time because you guy are animal dumb.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Sam Rainsy is an unwanted, isolated politician in the world. He made silly demand on the super power American President Obama not to visit Cambodia to add credibility to Mr. Hun Sen. Well, Mr. Obama completely ignored this total fool.
Then last year, Sam Rainsy offered China in support for the claim on the South China Sea. China did not respond, completely ignore this total fool. China this year visited the old Cambodian Royal party and did not bother to say anything, acknowledge the existence of CNRP.
When you played the racist card and the incitement, nobody in the right mind would want to associate with you. You committed the most evil act, risking innocent civilian life.
Look at me. I was born a light-skinned kid into a neighbor full of dark-skinned people. Was it my fault? No, I was born that way. The people played with the skinned color for an excuse for attack is just plain evil.
But I do know scientifically there is a different in genetic between dark-skinned and light-skinned.
The dark-skinned people has a gene to produce extra skin pigment, and does not have the gene to plan ahead for winter. The dark-skinned people also lack the gene to discipline not to eat all food during the winter, to rape women. That's why dark-skinned people are a lot more likely to commit rapes.
The light-skinned people lack the gene to produce extra skin pigment but has the extra gene to plan for the winter as well as discipline not to eat all food, not to rape. Light-skinned people are a lot less likely to commit rapes.
As you can see on this forum, I am very persevered, tough, disciplined and consistent. That's because I am a light-skinned Asian. So many women got horny and tried to bed with me and I gently gave them a bear hug to stop their wiggling and rubbing. I have worked to hard, trained and honed my skills, I will not take chance catching a sexual transmitted disease.
I trained martial arts, yoga, taichi, practice logic puzzle, play chess, read and eat reduced calorie to remain fit and tough. I practice both hands to become bi-dextrous, wired my brain for superior motor control so that I can live independently at old age. My aging rate is only 1 tenth of a typical person. All of my friends are now looking like my uncles or parents. The gap in look is at least 20 years!
In contrast, you can see ALL the Khmer forum exhibit sheer lack of discipline and will power. Remember the guy Klon Chuck (spelling?) with a dark-sun-glass wearing avatar? 2 months ago he vowed NEVER to post again on Khmerization and Kimedia because of Drgunzet. Within two days, he started posting again on both blogs.
You cannot take Khmer people's words seriously because they got the rape gene and lacked of the discipline gene. If you want to reduce the rape problem in Cambodia, you need the light-skinned Vietnamese guys to protect the Cambodian women.
As you can see on this forum, I have been clearly marking my comment with:
"Begin of Drgunzet's comment."
And yet, the Khmer trouble makers still read my comments and provoke fights. Could they simply skip my comments? No, they got rape genes. They totally lack the discipline.
I rest my case.
-Drgunzet- superior light-skinned Asian
Does anyone bother read Drushit's comment?
99% of the time, i skip it them a plague, the other 1% I read them as if i see a baby crying to get attention.
I would feel sorry for Drushit the coard, but I have never seen this coward Youn anywhere he claims to be.
Many years ago, this Youn claims to be a world best martial artist among all his Asian peer.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
That's incorrect. I formally practiced for 2 years in school and a temple. My skill set is at mid-level, green belt in Karate. However, among my belt range, class, dojo I was the best fighter because I have superior reflect and the ability to ignore pain.
In college, to impress a rich Thai girl, I offered to enter the ring to fight Muay Thai professional fighter. The condition was: If I last for 1 round without being defeated or crushed by the Thai fighter, then I win the fight.
That said, If I fight against say Tony Jaa, he will easily defeat me. But if I fight the entire Khmer community, I can easily crush all Khmers. I have practiced two special moves to control the Asians.
1. I can rip through the neck and pull out the jugular veins to scare other Asians into submission. I practice to have my index and middle fingers to be very stiff to penetrate the Asian necks.
2. I can punch the solar flex and cause the Asian dude to bend down, then I swing my axe kick around 360 to spin over and behind his back. Once I land the kick down, it cannot be missed. My leg line up with his spinal cord and will shatter his spine. Again, this move was to control other Asians.
Once the Asians saw my German superiority, they will surrender. This is how I would deal with other Asians who attack me. They are worth very little to me, less than dogs and cats.
Most black-belt martial artist would be able to defeat me. I only practice to control the unskilled Asians. I cannot really fight Whites or Blacks well. All of my training was honed into control other Asians, who I view as my primary and mortal threat.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Again, I repeat: I never claim to be the world best martial artist. Do not put the words into my mouths.
I can easily own most Asians. Most Asians are inferior, small, underfed. I was frail and badly fed as a child so I know. But later on the Whites fed me well and grew big. Years of working as the laborer and coolie for the Whites made my muscles tone up.
I can easily crush half of the Asian ribcage with my punch or kick. In school, my round house kick at the sand bag was so thundering, the Asians had a rumor about my killer kick. They believed that my kick can decapitate the Asian head. I do believe I can crush the side of any Asian skull easily with my kick.
May I suggest the Asian to drink more milk to have bigger bone structure.
Oooooh, Vietnam is building up a huge dairy industry. Their Vinamilk is growing rapidly while Cambodia has no dairy industry at all. Vietnamese will be much taller and bigger than the Cambodians in the future because of Vinamilk!
Cambodia is a very sad country. Cambodians will be short and wimpy.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
I have met quite a few people who are much smarter than I am. But I am way smarter, hundreds time smarter than the Khmer because the Khmer are so dumb and inferior.
Khmer race has been repeatedly creamed off over hundred of years by the Thais. It is so easy to be smarter then the Khmer. Look at the horrible low passing rate among the Khmer students this year in the key national exam.
Khmer race is a sad race. You are dumb, short and ugly. Boohoo, you don't have money to buy milk to drink. You don't have money to buy cow to make milk. Sad, sad, sad.
Be nice to the Vietnamese, they might give you some milk.
To ar sam rancy after i was listening to your speak on this as well as ar kim sokha all of you is really communist spy that why you trying to save communist CPP so the point that boths of you were trying to speak for in the last few day it tell me that CNRP and CPP party is all HANOI Dog that mean ( ar sam raincy,ar kim sokha and ar hun sen is the same team that why you just created the new story to protect each other can fool your silly supporter but you can not fool with mother fucker
ar choy mray sam rainsy and ar choy mray kim sokha both of you trying to cover ar hun sen and both of you has been violated PARIS PEAC AGREEMENT and UN resolution 2013 now you trying buy the time to allow ar hun sen killed a lot of people so ICC has been documented and both of your party is all illegal over due more than 6 months so people will take the law to there own hand very soon
To ar sam rancy after i was listening to your speak on this as well as ar kim sokha all of you is really communist spy that why you trying to save communist CPP so the point that boths of you were trying to speak for in the last few day it tell me that CNRP and CPP party is all HANOI Dog that mean ( ar sam raincy,ar kim sokha and ar hun sen is the same team that why you just created the new story to protect each other can fool your silly supporter but you can not fool with mother fucker
ar choy mray sam rainsy and ar choy mray kim sokha both of you trying to cover ar hun sen and both of you has been violated PARIS PEAC AGREEMENT and UN resolution 2013 now you trying buy the time to allow ar hun sen killed a lot of people so ICC has been documented and both of your party is all illegal over due more than 6 months so people will take the law to there own hand very soon
To ar sam rancy after i was listening to your speak on this as well as ar kim sokha all of you is really communist spy that why you trying to save communist CPP so the point that boths of you were trying to speak for in the last few day it tell me that CNRP and CPP party is all HANOI Dog that mean ( ar sam raincy,ar kim sokha and ar hun sen is the same team that why you just created the new story to protect each other can fool your silly supporter but you can not fool with mother fucker
ar choy mray sam rainsy and ar choy mray kim sokha both of you trying to cover ar hun sen and both of you has been violated PARIS PEAC AGREEMENT and UN resolution 2013 now you trying buy the time to allow ar hun sen killed a lot of people so ICC has been documented and both of your party is all illegal over due more than 6 months so people will take the law to there own hand very soon
Drgunzet: I'm a black Cambo; how about a chess game with me? Just wanna see how smart your are. So, how about it eh?
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