A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 1 November 2014

Thai Leader on Two-Day Diplomatic Visit to Cambodia ​នាយក​រដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​ថៃ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Khmerization if you are not lead it mean you are a followers. .. do not make other happy. .other make you happy that how smart people they do...not raincy but you lead them..wWhy not. .? You got integrity wisdom and honost why don't you lead other. ..you shall stop your silly following other it's time to lead. ..remember pre ah ream he was throne to be king but he play silly ( great most respected hero ) andleft the kkingdom to be great warrior. .....it end up Rahul throne king of kingdom. ....preah ream the loser got nothing but Most respectfull warriors. ...khmerization you are playing dumb exactly like preah ream.. start from this minutes to lead everyone near you including raincy. ..don't take crap and respect yourself you are a leader a real leader and everyone else just a lazy bla bla bla insane monkey tools for you. Ok.are you ready !!! now discipline all
idiots...tell them do not touch my stuff since i never touch your. .and kem move your freaking crap face away from me...and do not mess with my stuff ever agian if I am not allow to. ..Please khmerization do not allow no one mess with your superiority ok. Promise me you