A Change of Guard

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Monday, 24 November 2014

Invitation to a film screening of "The Rights of Others"

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Dear all, 

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) would like to invite you to a screening of "The Rights of Others ", a documentary by Mr. Chris Kelly. The documentary aims to raise awareness of the situation and challenges that Human Rights Defenders face whilst exercising their right to defend the rights of others. Human Rights Defenders and activists often work on issues related to land and housing rights, which are some of the most frequently violated rights in Cambodia.

The Rights of Others will be screened on 28 November 2014 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Meta House, located No 37, Sothrearos, Phnom Penh. The screening will be following by question and answer.

Please RSVP via telephone at 017 419 008 or online register http://goo.gl/CiFjzD

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