Prime Minister Hun Sen delivers a speech at a conference on corruption yesterday in Phnom Penh. Hun Sen deflected criticism of corruption within his government, laying the blame on the private sector. Vireak Mai
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday defended his government, saying its reputation for corruption is undeserved, laying blame on the private sector for initiating the bribe process and calling out international development partners for applying double standards.
Speaking at the Eighth Regional Conference of Anti-Corruption Intiative for Asia and the Pacific in Phnom Penh, Hun Sen conceded that corruption can occur within government ranks when it comes to public spending, but when business is involved, he pointed the finger squarely at the private sector.
“Do not forget that the private sector is the one who pays bribes. If the private sector does not bribe, where does the official get the money from?” he asked.
Hun Sen also called on businesses to take up the fight against corruption and to be more transparent, as government officials were all too often wrongly accused.
“Sometimes, government officials are only there to be blamed, when they did not receive any bribes,” he said.
Companies need to keep a closer eye on staff who may claim they need extra cash to bribe an official, when the money is more likely to go into that staff member’s own pocket, the premier added.
Preap Kol, executive director of Transparency International Cambodia, said yesterday that while the private sector does have a role in fighting corruption, it quite often has no choice if it requires government services.
“We cannot completely blame it on the private sector; the government holds a bigger responsibility in anti-corruption than the private sector does, because they are the one who have the administrative power to set regulations and practices that can ensure a clean business environment,” he said.
Te Taing Por, president of the Federation of Associations for Small and Medium Enterprises of Cambodia (FASMEC), said yesterday that it was impossible for the private sector to avoid corruption.
“There is not any mechanism from the government to simplify processes regarding public service for us as the companies,” he said. “We have to pay extra fees for officials to follow the paper process or else it will not happen,” he added.
It wasn’t just the private sector in the prime minister’s sights yesterday – international development agencies were also called out.
Citing the cases of IMF chief Christine Lagarde, under investigation for fraud over a 2008 case relating to her time as France’s finance minister, and former World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, who resigned in 2007 following a hefty pay raise for his bank-employed mistress, Hun Sen warned the ADB to be wary of corruption in its own ranks.
“I do hope that the ADB will not damage its reputation like the IMF and the World Bank,” he said.
The prime minister also called on the ADB to help set a standard across corruption indexes, which he said unfairly rank Cambodia and are not factually based.
“Sometimes it is too much. Being an international organisation, you come and defame a country’s reputation,” he said, without naming any specific organisation. “Will they [a sovereign nation] be willing to accept it? A state with sovereignty will not accept it.”
Citing Transparency International as an organisation that has strong standards behind its evaluations, San Chey, country network coordinator of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA) Cambodia, said it was just a matter of the organisations meeting with the government and explaining how they work.
“Actually, they have their own evaluation tools. I think the government, the ACU [the government’s Anti-Corruption Unit] and Transparency International should sit down together and look at the evaluation tools to avoid pointing the finger at each other,” he said.
Hun Sen needs to set good examples by doing but not by talking nonsense.
He is the leader he should take the leads for his subordinates to follow.
The dying fish's smells start from the head.
Likewise, corruptions start from and with Hun Sen.
Khmerization please use your blog to empower people's knowledge. ..and reduce all
form of negative.'s realy is, some khmer people are foolish
Ki Henge soy he is a biggest fool ever. ....
Sam Raincy was paid to be fool.
Khmerization you wast time and energy in helping the fools. ..Right. ?
People are smart now and they always choose the smart one not the fools. ..that why
cpp always win...Isn't that true. ? . I think the
fools always have big regret in every thing they do know it yourself. ...and if you
want to change you should chang the biggest
looser first. ..Sam Raincy and mouthpiece
cheater dwarf kem sokha must go.....and
khmerization, imagine if you have done the
right things there will be millions of people will getting smarter and nicer. .Right. ? ..Mike
Khmerization please use your blog to empower people's knowledge. ..and reduce all
form of negative.'s realy is, some khmer people are foolish
Ki Henge soy he is a biggest fool ever. ....
Sam Raincy was paid to be fool.
Khmerization you wast time and energy in helping the fools. ..Right. ?
People are smart now and they always choose the smart one not the fools. ..that why
cpp always win...Isn't that true. ? . I think the
fools always have big regret in every thing they do know it yourself. ...and if you
want to change you should chang the biggest
looser first. ..Sam Raincy and mouthpiece
cheater dwarf kem sokha must go.....and
khmerization, imagine if you have done the
right things there will be millions of people will getting smarter and nicer. .Right. ? ..Mike
A dying sentient being/homosapien smells start from the GUT!...So ah Kwaq needs to clean his house before asking anyone to clean theirs!...
Ah Kwaq families corrupted from their little one [babies] to the whole pigs generations after.Ah Kwaq needs to get his acts right before opening his stinky's mouth yaping about bribery or corruptions!...Stop talking like a child ah lop Kwaq Hun!...
4 September 2014 10:53 pm
Ah Leukeu Mike,
Before giving advice to anybody, go check your head first.
There is NOTHING to be checked in ah Mouse's head; it's hollow,nothing in there but Mam Nguc made in Hanoi stinks,rotten PRAHUK made from the stolen fish illegal caught from Koh Tral island.
To all Khmer folks,
Please be aware of Hun Sen's dirty Yuon/Vietnamese mindset and dirty games coming from his Yuon/Vietnamese masters and advisers. You can listen or watch the video of Mr. Heng Thal Savuth and you all will understand and think carefully about Hun Sen who is so dumb, but he talked like a Yuon/Vietnamese poops coming from the toilet as the dirty trick itself.
I am sure Khmer folks from CNRP and CPP have been so aware and smart to know the same old and new tricks of Yuon/Vietnamese masters for Hun Sen to do or lead.
Please, Khmer folks, just watch and stay united as the majority and forces to fight back so Hun Sen can not dare.
The sting smell come from Hun Sen and CPP bud but they switch to blame and smack some bodies else . The wolf who eat the lamp but accuse of lamp make a mistake this is really insane and show Khmer people the face of the most corrupt authority from top to bottom . Shame on you Mr PM because you want to help your addict money and power mongering , you try to fool Khmer and the world that corruption come from the victim of suppression but are not from the powerful barbaric authority that menace or strong demand money for services render . Did you see and Know that every business or any deal in you dictator regime can go smoothly depend on bribe ? Did you know all of your families and friends and affiliates are the bigest and vicious corrupt people in this nation ? You talk like a dump guy who don't take any responsibility of you duty as a PM at all .
Cambodia will have more educated people if and only if the Prime Minister is a well educated person.
If Hun Sen did not even finish 9th grade, what do we expect from Khmer educational system?
This kind of PM (Hun Sen) who lack of education must go to hell.
4 September 2014 10:55 pm
Thlang Nass Ah Kantorb Mike Euy !!
Dear Kmenhwatt and 12:55 am,
I didn't mean to belittle my fellow Khmers.
Figuratively, the smells of any lifeforms
can start from anywhere, but factually and biologically the smells start from and within the cells of the brain.
Please take note.
Thank you
the big foolish is Ah RAT EATER MIKE
barking for nothing
Mr. Hun Sen doing the best he can. STFU!
Go back to Kweal Krarbey and Luoch Morn Teat Touv Ah Kwack.
ជាងសាមសិបឆ្នាំក្នុងរបបហ៊ុនសែន ផ្ដាច់ការ អភិវ័ឌ្ឍមានមែន តែសីុលុយ ក្នុងអភិវ័ឌ្ឍ ប្រហែលពាក់កណ្ដាលឬលើស សំណង់ផ្លូវថ្នល់ ធ្វើរួច អាទិត្យ ក្រោយផុង ព្រោះលួចមួយជាន់ទៀត ដោយលួចសម្ភារៈដូចជាសីុម់ង់,ដែក ដូច្នេះ៥០%ភាគរយលួចដាក់ហោបា៉វរួចហើយ នៅសល់៥០%យកទៅសង់ លួច២០%ភាគរយ ដូច្នេះមានតែ៣០%ភាគរយដែលបានក្រាលទៅលើថ្នល់ ឯអភិវឌ្ឍផ្នែកខាងឧប្បភោគបរិភោគវិញ មិនអាចចេះធ្វើអ្វី សូម្បីឈើចាក់ ក៏ត្រូវនាំចូលពីប្រទេសជិតខាងដែរ តែសម្បូរណ៏ទៅរោងចក្រធ្វើគ្រឿង ស្រវឹង មួយថ្ងៃៗអួតតែពីផឹកសុី ឯនៅលើថ្នល់មួយថ្ងៃៗស្លាប់ជាងធ្វើសង្រ្គាមនៅ អុីរាក់ទៅទៀត ឯក្រុមហ៊ុនធ្វើគ្រឿងស្រវឹងអួតតែពីរង្វាន់ ទិញច្រើន ផឹកច្រើនបានរង្វាន់ច្រើន តែបងប្អូនភ្លេចគិតថាស្លាប់ក៏កាន់តែច្រើនដែរ បើមិនជឿសាក វានឹងខានជួបប្រពន្ធ ឬ គូស្នេហ៏ ។
And my dog is 100x smarter than you gunzet dog eater
To -Drgunzet- (Vietnamese poster):
Yes, your Vietnamese (Yuon)masters in Hanoi installed this criminal and dumb Hun Sen to be a leader of Cambodia by using military to protect him so that he has a power over unarmed Cambodian people. So, your illegal Vietnamese folks like you could take advantages of this criminal Hun Sen when he is in power. Yes, this criminal Hun Sen has killed many Cambodian people during the Killing Fields and after the Killing Fields. You (-Drgunzet-) think the criminal Hun Sen is smart, but your Yuon/Vietnamese masters in Hanoi advised and told dumb killer Hun Sen what to say and do to Cambodian people and mislead Cambodia in the wrong direction. Yes, your evil Yuon/Vietnamese masters scared Hun Sen militarily if Hun Sen refuses to do anything under the order of your Yuon/Vietnamese master-minded bastards in Hanoi.
So, what do you want to say about that, Vietnamese troublemaker (-Drgunzet-)?
KI looks like a drought place now. It looks so sad, like a deserted town, no people, only empty houses.
Jenda and Ly Dick had done an excellent job for KI.
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Too many crazy people here why don't you looked ahead. I don't think you guy compatriots at all.
5 September 2014 5:26 pm,
Whom you are pointing to? You are one of the stupid thinker. Don't know what you are thinking. Go to do something that benefits yourself and your family.
5 September 2014 3:59 pm,
You are just f**ked up, not knowing what you are thinking.
You need to isolate yourself and do something. OK?
-Drgunzet- has been injected himself with a needle of drug to make himself talk shitty and nonsense. That is why his Yuon/Vietnamese masters, his Yuon/Vietnamese thieves and low-life scumbag Yuon/Vietnamese folks enjoy the controversial and racial comments, offended comments, irritated comments for KI readers online.
11:37 am. Dirt Drgunzet
Stupid is Stupid talks !!!!
Million smarts people have Been killed. Long ago so what
Do you think.
Dear Readers,
I have deleted a number of comments, including those written by Drgunzet, because they are offensive, contained profanities and contained racial vilification against Khmers.
I wish to remind all readers to be civilized in their debate and respect each other by avoiding offensive language and racist attacks.
I wish to remind Drgunzet in particular that your unceasing racist attacks against Khmers cannot be tolerated. I ask all readers and Drgunzet to stop racist attacks against Khmers or any other races. I will continue to delete those comments deemed to be offensive.
Where is the protest against Vietnam Embassy regarding Kampuchea Krom issue ?
Where ?
Why stop it ?
Have we gotten the answer from Ah Chor Yuon yet ?
Do not cry in the future if we don't have country because we are coward.
It is not easy to deal with the Khmer for sure, just try to deal with them on this forum and see for yourselves. They are dumb, stubborn and just pure evil. Case and point: Do you want to do business with a guy such as Khmenwatt, buntheoun, khmeryeorng, raincy, dwarf kem sokha svar . Witches Musochou. -
-_-. Ki
Let's get something straight! No one will come to zombies land KI Media no more. I love how the admin on this site works. Keep up the good work. And delete anything racist remarks even if it's from a Khmer. Tks on the good work on Drgunzet.
Mr. Sam Raincy mom she is pure Vietnamese and Mr.Sam sary he is pure chines Tiechiev so Mr. Sam Raincy blood is not Khmer at all. Right. ? He never introduce or allow his kids his brother Sam mitary or his relative get involving in politics at all. Right.? . He exagerato provoking unstable problem during the economy crisis. He deliberately chased investor from srok khmer to Thailand. Right. ? In 2008 thai wag full scale war against Khmer Mr. Sam Raincy he created problem at Vietnam border. He deliberately separate our friends which is he is working for our enemies. Right. ? Now you clearly see yourself why Mr. Sam Raincy mission are so secret. ? I don't know either who can tell . ? IMike
6 September 2014 3:53 am (Mike, a Vietnamese poster using the Western name):
You need to prove that you are telling the truth without making up. You are wasting the reader's times to read your stupid comments. You are not making any sense.
Are you doing this to support your Vietnamese criminals making them get away from crimes they committed.
You'd better get out of here.
Khmer Yeurng
You want the truth go to wiki pages about sam sary. .
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