It appears that cheating on the exam is also happening in China. There was an article a while back which said students and parents were protesting and demanding that the government should allow them to cheat since students in previous years were allowed to do so. There was an article just out a few days ago about a research which find that people in general, no matter what ethnicity they are, are dumber than their ancestors.[did not save the link, sorry]. This is something to do with the genes -- except for that guy who always brags about his ability and intelligence on this site --- sarcastic-- LOL]
And if you think that education in the US is better just because teachers are making more money, plus lifetime free health benefits, here's a quote:
"By 5th grade less than 30% can do math, less than 20% can read, and less than 10% can write at a proficient level. And you can bet that proficient level is not that high. The state results are bad enough, but the Philadelphia results are atrocious. In Philadelphia, only 33 – 13% of the district’s 250 schools met state standards, down from 41% in 2011. It was uncovered that they were cheating on the test scores in 2011. Liberals lie and cheat when it comes to getting funding. The Morton McMichael school has 35 full-time union teachers earning good money, with gold plated healthcare and pension plans" link :
Also, the school system has been lowering the test score required to pass the grade. For example, if the majority of students can only get 50% of score and 75% is required to pass , then they just lower the requirement to 50% so that more students could pass the tests. Genius! Similar things happen in the US military and police force ; most are getting too fat to pass their yearly physical exam so now the requirement to pass is simple, any one who can do 3 push-ups will pass the exam...
“Exam cheating does not only happen in Cambodia, but in China and America too”
Yes, but it is not in a full scale corruption like in Cambodia.
''Yes, but it is not in a full scale corruption like in Cambodia.
3 September 2014 8:31 pm''
so who do we blame , the teachers for not making enough to live on [ the teachers in the US make up to 5 or 6 figures plus benefits], the gov [in the US they spent billions on education , but money hardly get to students mostly on administration and teachers salaries] or the students ?
Scientists Discover Proof That Humanity Is Getting Dumber, Smaller And Weaker
Before It's News - Tuesday, April 29, 2014 17:59
Scientists have found that our bodies and our minds have both deteriorated significantly compared to our ancestors. In fact, just this week a very prominent professor at Cambridge University said that “our most highly trained athletes pale in comparison to these ancestors of ours”. The biggest reason for this, of course, is the degradation of the human genome. Groundbreaking research by Dr. John Sanford of Cornell University and others has shown that our genes contain tens of thousands of mistakes (mutations), and with each passing generation even more errors are added and passed on. So it should be no surprise that our ancestors were bigger, stronger, faster and smarter. The truth is that they had better genes.
This kind of information comes as a shock to many people. It is widely assumed by the general public that humanity is “progressing” and that we are better both physically and mentally than our predecessors were. But that is not the case at all. In fact, research conducted at Cambridge University shows that we are “weaker than we used to be” and that the most highly trained athletes of today “pale in comparison” to those that lived thousands of years ago…
‘Even our most highly trained athletes pale in comparison to these ancestors of ours,’ Dr Colin Shaw told Outside Magazine. ‘We’re certainly weaker than we used to be.’
The study looked at skeletons dating back to around 5,300 BC with the most recent to 850 AD – a time span of 6,150 years.
It then compared the bones to that of Cambridge University students, and found the leg bones of male farmers 5,300 BC were just as good as those of highly-trained cross-country runners.
In addition, earlier research at Cambridge University showed that our bodies are “significantly smaller” than they were thousands of years ago and that our brains are also smaller…
An earlier study by Cambridge University found that mankind is shrinking in size significantly.
Experts say humans are past their peak and that modern-day people are 10 percent smaller and shorter than their hunter-gatherer ancestors.
And if that’s not depressing enough, our brains are also smaller.
The findings reverse perceived wisdom that humans have grown taller and larger, a belief which has grown from data on more recent physical development.
The decline, said scientists, has happened over the past 10,000 years. They blame agriculture, with restricted diets and urbanization compromising health and leading to the spread of disease.
Most movies and television shows portray our ancestors as short, stupid, hunched-over people that could barely survive in a cold, cruel world.
But the hard science is revealing a very different picture to us.
As I mentioned above, the primary reason for our decline as a species is the systematic deterioration of our genes. According to Dr. John Sanford of Cornell University, the author of Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome, each one of us already carries tens of thousands of harmful mutations, and each one of us will pass on at least 100 new mutations to future generations. Many scientists believe that this will ultimately lead to something called “mutational meltdown”. The following is an excerpt from a paper by Gerald H. McKibben and Everett C. McKibben…
Geneticists have long worried about the impact of mutations on the human population, and that at a rate of one deleterious mutation per person per generation, genetic deterioration would result. Earlier reports were based on estimates of mutation rates considerable lower than what we now know to be the case. Findings going back to 2002 show that the human mutation rate is at least 100 mistakes (misspellings) per person per generation. Some scientists believe the rate is closer to 300.
Even a rate of 100 has profound implications, and the mutation rate is itself increasing. Furthermore, most, if not all, mutations in the human genome must be deleterious. “And nothing can reverse the damage that has been done during our own generation, even if further mutations could be stopped.” It would appear that the process is an irreversible downward spiral that will end in “mutational meltdown”.
This is incredible stuff with absolutely staggering implications. For much more on all of this, check out the video interview with Dr. Sanford that I have posted below…
Not only are our brains getting smaller, but humanity is also getting dumber.
This sounds strange to many people, especially considering the technological boom that we have seen in modern times, but it is actually true. In fact, a Stanford University biology professor recently published two papers in which he expressed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years…
Are humans becoming smarter or more stupid? Comparing our modern lives and technology with that of any preceding generation, one might think we are becoming increasingly smarter. But, in two papers published in Trends in Genetics, Gerald R. Crabtree of Stanford University claims that we are losing mental capacity and have been doing so for 2,000–6,000 years! The reason, Crabtree concludes, is due to genetic mutations—which are the backbone of neo-Darwinian evolution.
Professor Crabtree, like Dr. Sanford, is convinced that this loss of mental capacity is due to the accumulation of errors in our genes…
Based on data produced by the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium and two recent papers in Nature, Crabtree estimates in the first article that, in the past 3,000 years (approximately 120 generations), about 5,000 new mutations have occurred in the genes governing our intellectual ability. He claims most of these mutations will have no effect, while about 2–5 percent are deleterious and “a vanishingly small fraction will increase fitness.” Crabtree bases his conclusion that humankind is losing mental capacity on the ratio between the deleterious and the beneficial mutations.
The Degeneration of Man - The sad truth is that man is not evolving into something higher and better as the evolutionists and newagers would have us believe. In fact, the very opposite is true: Mankind is degenerating. With every passing generation we degrade farther from man's perfect beginnings. We delude ourselves when we believe that our technological advances are evidence that we are evolving into a "higher life form." These technological advances are merely the result of the applied accumulated knowledge of mankind. In other words, at this late date in human history we have all the research of earlier generations to benefit from. Each passing generation adds to that overall fund of knowledge--increasing our technological capabilities. While our knowledge of the natural world and ability to apply that knowledge has thus been increasing our basic humanity has not. [Page 100, Holy Order Restored, Eliyahu ben David, ISBN 0967947111]
Is there a solution for man's degeneration? Yes. The truth contain in God's word - book of Leviticus.
Exam cheating in China might be more prevalent in China than in America, but it's nowhere near the scale we've seen in Cambodia. Just look at how many engineers, economists and scientists China and America produced then we know how good their education systems are. But how many scientists Cambodia produced? None. This doesn't mean that Khmers are not smart, but it's because we've got corrupt leaders who neglected our education system.
We get a corrupted leader who comes to power without morality and proper education.
[Just look at how many engineers, economists and scientists China and America produced then we know how good their education systems are..]
most of the real good ones come from other countries... the US has a policy of accepting other bright mind to come to work here..where they could earn good money... after being here for a while they could become US citizen. you wouldn't believe how many indian or arabian doctors/physicians there are at any hospitals in the US--- one could hardly find a doctor with european last name nowadays... same goes for scientists -- all from other countries.... not that all americans are bad just that they care more about wanting to be a movie star or sport stars/figure or being on american idol ... most of them want to earn quick money such as working on wall street firms --the like of goldman sach , JP Morgan where they can rip off people's money and become millionaire faster.each year they earn million dollars in bonuses while pretending to invest your hard earn money for you... but if they lost your money -- too bad . and if they earn you something then you will have to pay them commission--- one guy who lost billions of people money and still not in jail because he is friend to the powerful such as congress and Obama -- is John corzine [ research the net yourself -- i don't make it up] .. what about the people whose money is gone , well sorry they are out of luck...
4:40 am
Who are you?
Who has brain washed you?
4:40 am
Sorry for the money you lost in the stock market, but this is not the right place for you to whine, it will be of some help if you go to yahoo finance and cry there.
02 September 2014 3:23pm
This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate
Recommend 8
I spent a semester teaching in a private 'university' in Phnom Penh. Some of these institutions are clearly set up as businesses and their income from fees is considerable. It seemed to be expected for the students to do little beyond attending classes and producing the minimum evidence of doing any work, 'work' being something copied straight from some website, or from a classmate who had copied it straight from a website. There were no exam or coursework requirements to ask people not to use their mobiles, books, cheatsheets or to just ask the person beside them. Challenging them was met with vague surprise, but almost everyone I caught continued cheating until I cancelled their paper. Some people even remonstrated with me for cancelling papers and in one class only a single student passed, the others either failed or had their papers cancelled. The penalty was so small that it wasn't worth while trying to bribe anyone, they could just resit the exam because it would be the same one their colleagues had copies of. Nobody seemed put out by this system, or the completely pointless exercise of enrolling and attending, then cheating at every exam. This seemed to be what everyone expected to have to do before becoming teachers and whatever else. So the changes mentioned above may have little impact on learning!
9:38 am
"The majority of the visas are for Indian and Chinese nationals."
Have you ever wonder why?
If the US is a bad country like you think why these smart Indian and Chinese flock to America, they must be very stupid like you.
I read an article about a Cambodian teacher who demanded sit-in fee from the students. This one poor boy did not have any money to pay, he was forced to stand out side of the class room and learn through the window.
Someone took a picture of that poor boy learning through the window and posts it. My heart was broken when I saw the picture.
The Cambodian race has lost too much humanity. You folks are barbaric animals.
Ok, let me demonstrate my superiority over the Khmer race once again on the matter of cheating.
In America, it is true about the education boards at various localities have lower the passing requirements to get more students passing. That is called: Cheating themselves. In American, it's the land of the free, you have the right to cheat yourselves and cheat your own success.
In Cambodia, the government clearly set the passing requirement, yet the teachers and students try to cheat. That is called: Cheating others. And that is wrong. You will be caught and prosecuted by "others".
You can cheat yourselves and you don't arrest nor prosecute yourselves. But others will not be as forgiving. So, STOP CHEATING OTHERS. That is what wrong in the current Cambodian society.
-Drgunzet- @2:31 pm
If you this act is barbaric?
How should you call the “10 Vietnamese teenager boys” stabbing and cutting a 16 years old Khmer boy, stupid Yuon?
2:43 pm
You have to learn not to cheat yourself first, dummy.
Why, because when you brag you already cheat yourself, ok dummy.
Tell the Dumbass Mam Sonando to stop boasting himself as" Preah Beida Prochea Thipa Tai".
Mam Sonando is a mentally unstable person. Ah Mam Sonando can “BAUK” only Khmer people who want his gift. Stop the policy of demagogue like Ah Sdach Teur Sihanouk because it is not good for Cambodia.
Look, the American students are mostly lazy. They did not want to study, nor care about graduation. They don't cheat. It's the educators who cheat to get them to pass so that the educators can look good (or not so bad).
The Khmer students have low learning aptitude with aggressive ambitions. They want to succeed beyond their own ability. You don't want bad Khmer engineers who will build houses and buildings which could collapse killing others. You want better Vietnamese engineers ok?
If you don't like Vietnamese engineers to design and build houses, bridges and roads for you then improve yourselves. Frankly speaking, the Vietnamese engineers are not that good, but they are cheap. The best engineers are the German ones but you folks can never afford them.
This dog shit eating youn like to bark out stupidity every time it open its' mouth.
Keep on barking youn, soon your master the Chinese will screw you for another 1000 yrs.
Hopefully the Chinese genes will out breed the stupidity out of the youns.
STUPID youn...
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