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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Construction of controversial Areng dam to cost USD 400 mln

Give our kids a better deal 
Areng valley

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- The construction of Koh Kong's Cheay Areng hydrowpower dam will cost USD 400 million and be completed by 2020, said Energy Secretary of State Ith Prang Tuesday. 

Speaking at a press conference, he said the study of the dam and its impact on environment has been conducted since 2006. 

The Ministry of Mine and Energy issued a statement on September 27 to explain the impact of the dam which will be capable to produce 108 MW. 

In the statement, the ministry said Cheay Areng dam covered an area of around 100,000 hectares including 9,474 hectares for tank building. 

The plan affected 113 species of birds, 53 of mammals, 43 of fish, and 31 of reptiles in the area. 

According to the study in the first phase conducted during November-December 2013, it affected 1,318 people accounting for 349 families in three communes which are seven villages, said the statement. 

The plan was opposed by activists from Mother Nature Cambodia and opposition party.

- See more at: http://thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/construction-of-controversial-areng-dam-to-cost-usd-400-mln-7401#sthash.EUqvnGoj.dpuf

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