A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 7 September 2014

16 Cambodian workers rescued in Thailand, Malaysia

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Cambodian embassies rescued 13 Cambodian workers in Thailand and three maids in Malaysia, Koy Kuong, spokesman for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said Saturday.

A statement issued by ministry on Saturday said that 13 Cambodian workers including five women recently sought help from the Cambodian embassy in Thailand after they were abandoned by A.P.T.S. & C (Cambodia), an affiliate of Resources Manpower Co., Ltd in Phnom Penh, which sent the workers to Thailand, but couldn't give them jobs.

The workers said they had paid A.P.T.S. & C (Cambodia) from USD 350 to USD 550 each.

The Cambodian embassy helped find jobs for 11 workers, while two others decided to go back to home country, and were compensated USD 100 each by branch company of A.P.T.S.E & C, the statement said.

Meanwhile, Koy Kuong announced an intervention of the Cambodian embassy in Malaysia that rescued three Cambodian maids, Savuth Srey Im, Chem Mean and Kong Bopha.

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