by JANE PERLEZ, The Globe and Mail
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, courted Vietnam over the past several days, the first chairman in more than 40 years to visit the old enemy, now envisioned as a new partner that will acquire American weapons and help offset the power of China.
Dempsey, who graduated from West Point as the Vietnam War was winding down, never served here, but his visit capped a vibrant effort by the United States and Vietnam to reconnect. A longstanding embargo on lethal weapons sales by the United States was likely to be eased, he said, and Washington would then begin discussions on what equipment Vietnam would buy, most likely in the field of maritime surveillance.
Vietnam has suddenly become more important to Washington as the United States and China are increasingly at loggerheads. Vietnam is key because of its strategic position bordering China, its large population of nearly 100 million and its long coastline on the South China Sea, one of the world’s most vital TRADING
“We do think we should have a steady improvement in our relationship with the Vietnamese military,” Dempsey told a group of reporters here Saturday. “I would suggest as goes Vietnam in managing its maritime resources and territorial disputes, so goes the South China Sea.”
During his three-day visit, Dempsey met in Hanoi with Vietnam’s most senior OFFICER
, Gen. Do Ba Ty, who last year was in Washington, where he was entertained at the chairman’s home. Dempsey visited Vietnamese vessels and met with their crew in Da Nang, once the site of a major U.S. base. Also in Da Nang, he inspected a U.S. thermal treatment plant designed to clean up a deadly ingredient in Agent Orange, the defoliant sprayed by the U.S. military over the South Vietnamese countryside during the Vietnam War.
Sen. John McCain, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, visited Hanoi this month and said the time had come to modify the arms embargo so the United States could help Vietnam with defense abilities.
In May, China deployed a sophisticated deep-sea oil rig to disputed waters off the Vietnam coast, a move that resulted in anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam and two months of skirmishes at sea between well-equipped Chinese coast guard boats and more rudimentary Vietnamese vessels.
While moving closer to Washington, Vietnam, which is ruled by a Communist Party that still values its fraternal relations with Beijing and is locked into economic dependence on China, has indicated it is not about to ditch its powerful northern neighbor.
The United States was not trying to force Vietnam to choose between Beijing and Washington, Dempsey said.
“I didn’t come here to focus on China,” he said. “But I recognize inevitably the shadow of China hangs over these conversations.”
In China, the government is watching the American dalliance with Vietnam, and the likely easing of the arms embargo is interpreted as a move against China in the contest over the South China Sea, said Wu Xinbo, the head of the American Studies Center at Fudan University in Shanghai.
“The United States is trying to encourage Vietnam to take a tough stance against China on the South China Sea,” he said. “I believe Washington is somewhat concerned about the possible reconciliation between China and Vietnam over the South China Sea dispute.”
Who was the more ardent suitor in the wooing between the two former enemies remained an open question. Vietnam was insisting on its own gradual pace of improvement in military relations with the United States, U.S. officials said.
Washington could end up disappointed, said Brantly Womack, a professor of foreign affairs at the University of Virginia, who has written extensively on the two countries.
Vietnam was acutely aware of the prickly path over the nearly 20 years since normalization of relations with Washington, he said.
“They want to tie us in closer, but they don’t want to hang on the string,” Womack said.
At the moment, Vietnam buys most of its weapons, including a recent order for six Kilo-class submarines, from Russia. Japan agreed last month to send Vietnam six new coast guard vessels.
There would be no change in Vietnam’s restriction of only one port visit a year by U.S. naval ships to Vietnam, U.S. officials said. The possibility of the United States having access to Cam Ranh Bay, a strategically significant deep-water port used by the United States during the Vietnam War, was not on the table, they said. Even so, the signs were propitious for a tilt toward the United States.
A coalition of 10 Vietnamese labor and religious groups presented a letter to McCain during his visit, saying they supported a gradual lifting of the arms embargo.
Initial shipments of American weapons could include surveillance vessels without guns or sophisticated radar, with more advanced weapons slowly phased in as Vietnam improved its human rights record, said Nguyen Quang A, a member of the coalition and prominent intellectual.
Vietnam had a history, he said, of creating military alliances “not against a third country but for protecting our sovereignty.”
The assistant secretary for democracy, human rights, and labor, Tom P. Malinowski, said Vietnam had taken some “positive steps” on human rights in the last six months that would be factored into the final decision on easing the weapons ban.
Vietnam had released seven prominent prisoners of conscience, registered 113 church congregations and signed the convention against torture, he said. Still, the United States wanted Vietnam to release all prisoners of conscience, including prominent bloggers and writers given lengthy prison sentences last year, he said.
Vietnam’s leadership faced an unusual call for more political openness this month when 61 members of the Communist Party signed a public letter that took aim at the relationship with China.
The government should take legal action against China in the international court system for its deployment of the oil rig, the signatories suggested.
“When over 60 members of the Communist Party of Vietnam have signed an open letter calling for leaders to ‘develop a truly democratic, law abiding state,’ it is time to invite Vietnam to free itself of dependence on Russia and China and to encourage further reform,” said Vikram J. Singh, former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for South and Southeast Asia and now vice president for national security at the Center for American Progress in Washington. “This is about dignity and pride, and being treated on par with other countries in the region.”
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US army will revenge and skew Vietnam like beef on the stick this time..if Vietnam allow US to build its base in Vietnam..
Youn goes to the strongest of th strong to perform marriage of convenienship.
Youn in in the process finally stage of offically file the divorce with Russia after Youn kicked the Chinese out of her bedroom in 1975. Uncle sam will file marrriage certificate with her when she hands back Danang Naval Base to Uncle Sam.
Over 50,ooo Americans death are enough as a lesson to learn.
Stay away from this Vietnam trouble maker.
Ah, the useless Khmer cry again. Run to your mama china
China is more than capable of taking on US military prowess. Matter of fact, they welcome the challenge to test out their sophisticated weaponry with Uncle Sam high tech warheads. Will Vietnam be the scapegoat of the coming war with US against the, Big Red Dragon?
it won't be very long , WW3 is their master plan , the powerful families which controlled the world will have their wish fulfilled
some of the events that most khmers are too busy fighting cyclops hun sen to be aware of
quote : from ukraine wanting US to give them weapons to fight russia [ '' the first one to knock on the door of US military handouts is none other than the Kiev, whose parliamentary speaker Oleksandr Turchynov, said in an interview with BNS, that the country needs "modern weapons, aviation, air-defense equipment from U.S., European partners."
He continues: "If we were to receive military equipment assistance, we could regain the territory in a relatively short period of time. '']
lebanon wanting US to give weapons to fight the jihadists -- don't forget that is how we end up with the ISIS [ ''
The United States plans to supply Lebanon’s army with additional munitions and ordnance in a bid to bolster the force after clashes with jihadists, the US ambassador to Beirut said last week. The new assistance comes after Lebanon’s military requested emergency aid following the unprecedented clashes with jihadists in the eastern Arsal region of the country, on the Syrian border.
The clashes that began August 2 left 19 soldiers dead, and another 19 are still being held hostage despite a truce deal that saw the militants withdraw from the town after five days of fighting, in the most serious spillover of violence from Syria after three days of fighting.
“The United States will soon deliver additional munitions and ordnance for offensive and defensive combat operations by the LAF (Lebanese Armed Forces),” US ambassador David Hale said in a statement....'']
US ally which as been supplying ISIS with weapons is ready to help them too [ ''
Lebanon’s army has publicly requested international assistance to bolster its poorly-equipped troops as they battle the violence spilling over from the war in neighboring Syria.
Last December, Saudi Arabia pledged to buy the army $3 billion worth of weapons and equipment from France, but the items to be provided have yet to be finalized and nothing has been delivered so far.'']
so the viets will probably get something/weapons to fight china. and then use it against khmers ...
quote from poster above''Ah, the useless Khmer cry again. Run to your mama china
19 August 2014 1:57 am''
and you take one up your asses... the way youn always like it from the westerners.
Myanmar and Vietnam want to escape from giant China. Do you know how China take advantage of Myanmar resource via its enormous investment within the country. Now, being friend with China is the most stupid way for Cambodia develop its economy against Vietnam.
Let's keep balance among Japanese, Chinese and US like our Myanmar counterpart has done successfully
Over 50,ooo Americans death are enough as a lesson to learn.
Stay away from this Vietnam trouble maker.
19 August 2014 1:54 am
Over 2 million Cambodian deaths were enough as a lesson for the Cambodia to learn. Stay away from Khmer Rouge murderous mentality.
Khmer race really needs to learn to live in peace with other races. Look at Vietnamese, they are getting along fine with their former foe, USA. Why can't Khmer be the same?
Youn goes to the strongest of th strong to perform marriage of convenienship.
Youn in in the process finally stage of offically file the divorce with Russia after Youn kicked the Chinese out of her bedroom in 1975. Uncle sam will file marrriage certificate with her when she hands back Danang Naval Base to Uncle Sam.
19 August 2014 12:05 am
China wanted to unite with Taiwan, but USA prevented the unification. North Vietnam wanted to unite with South Vietnam, but USA also prevented the unification. Thus, China and Vietnam allied to fight USA.
However, in 1972, China had a change of heart and betrayed Vietnam by allying with USA. So, Vietnam had to continue to fight USA without China in order to unite with South Vietnam.
You Khmer folks need to learn history and stop barking nonsense. This is the reason why the International communities do not want to deal with Khmer. They deal with Vietnamese to get things done.
Nobody in the right mind wants to be associate with Khmer. You folks are nonsense, murderous, barbaric, stupid and ignorant. Just about anything wrong with a race, Khmer race is the worst race in the world.
Now Drgunzet ancestors youn try to kiss uncle sam's ass...
50 years later Drgunzet will kick UNcle Sam will lick hands of Northern neighbor.
Viet race is the worst of the worst race in the universe...
Now Drgunzet ancestors youn try to kiss uncle sam's ass...
50 years later Drgunzet will kick UNcle Sam will lick hands of Northern neighbor.
Viet race is the worst of the worst race in the universe...
19 August 2014 10:59 am
Whatever you say, Khmer will be ruled by Vietnamese. You folks always need Vietnamese's help.
In 2007, Cambodia fielded a first Math Olympiad team. Out of the 90ish team, Cambodia ranked 85th, while Vietnam ranked 3rd in the world. After a few more tries, Cambodia quit sending any team to the subsequent Math Olympiad.
It's just pathetic. I have discovered the effect of Khmer race got creamed by the Thais, and Khmer Rouges. Most Khmer students have extremely low learning aptitude. But I also invented a way to make Khmer students many times better to be less dumb.
Perhaps I can do some demonstration on this forum to prove the point?
I think U.S is despite to find SE Asian allies to counter People Republic of China rise. America only had Japan capable of holding China in the northern part of Pacific. America need another SE ally capable of holding China on southern part of Pacific.
Vietnam is not the answer to America strategic needs. Vietnam is a repressive Communist state, can't be trust like Japan, S. Korea, Australia. Australian are afraid of China rise. American wanted to protect this European peoples.
America is best served if she work out the differences with China. Both countries can be very beneficial to each others. The Chinese loved moneys and had a reliable records of not interfering into someone else affairs. America like to interfering into others. So, America can do what ever they want as long they affect Chinese. This relations is beneficial to both.
As far as S. China sea it is a done deal it's belong to China weather Vietnam, Philipine, America wanted or not. U.S will not risk economic and military disasters by starting WW3 with a nuclear capable China.
China military had been rebuilding for the past 2 decades while U.S cut down. China military technology had catch up with the U.S at some fields and other fields are fast catching up. You combine a huge military budgets, huge populations and the patience of Chinese leaderships you had a Super Power that rival America. Vietnam will be crushed if they think they can take on China head on, U.S will abandon them the minutes shot fired. America only obligated to protect Japan, S. Korea. This 2014 not 1978.79.88 when the Chinese was 2 decades behind westerners. Now China had many unemployed Russian, Israelis, Chinese scientists working on many high tech projects. With money you can do a lots. Best money can buy. I say good luck to Youn.
Dak Ah Kantorb Oy Chet Roy Madang Touv Barn Sngat !!
Khmer wrote:
"China military had been rebuilding for the past 2 decades while U.S cut down. China military technology had catch up with the U.S at some fields".
In the last 20 years, China's defense budget has gone from 10 billion US dollars per year to 150 billion. USA's defense budget has consistently been around 400 - 700 billion US dollar. Only recently, it drops to 550 billion. This is the problem with the Khmer. They are not factual but rather vague. That's why they cannot really do anything and need Vietnamese experts/technicians to run Cambodia.
My question to the Khmer is "Which military technology and field has China caught up to USA?"
Khmer are useless. Always have a victim mentalities while harboring hatred & delusion about international affairs.
OMG, I swear I almost lost patient w/a bunch of Khmer who do not know how to use the escalator at a mall in Cambodia. After I show them, they just don't believe me but would not step aside for others to go up. Barbaric people!
China directed Khmer Rouge to kill 1/2 of Cambodians and cross-bordered into Vietnam until Vietnam retaliated and taught both Khmer Rouge and China a lesson. Three decades of help to get Cambodia back on its feet, Vietnam once again is targeted by these same people listening to the same evil China: when do Cambodians learn right from wrong and act less stupid?
Khmer is Chen bitch!
Khmer wrote:
"China military had been rebuilding for the past 2 decades while U.S cut down. China military technology had catch up with the U.S at some fields".
In the last 20 years, China's defense budget has gone from 10 billion US dollars per year to 150 billion. USA's defense budget has consistently been around 400 - 700 billion US dollar. Only recently, it drops to 550 billion. This is the problem with the Khmer. They are not factual but rather vague. That's why they cannot really do anything and need Vietnamese experts/technicians to run Cambodia.
My question to the Khmer is "Which military technology and field has China caught up to USA?"
First all I do not need any dam
Vietnamese to help me. Khmers did greats before your ancestors polluted us with your whore women married to our womanizer King.
China 150 Billions military budgets only what PRC wanted the rest of the world to know. In reality PRC military budgets are much more higher.
Chinese ground forces heavy and light weapons and infantry gears are already catch up or surpass U.S. They just needed to learn to use it more efficienly. This field she catch up to the west.
Chinese already had hundreds
3.5G(J-7MP, Jh-7A,JH-7B, JL-7A),
4.0G(J-10A, JF-17 Block 2, Su-30MMK, J-11B),
4.5G( J-10B, J-15). This fields she catch up to the west, AWAC.
Chinese now closing the gap of 5.0 Generation. She already had 3 flying prototypes of J-20 heavy Stealth fighter, J-31 light Stealth fighter naval for testing stages. Also had a stealth drone flying. Many drones are now in services. This field China not catch up yet but closing fast.
Does Vietnam able to build any aircraft other than a simple upgrade projects, maintenance. Vietnam only know how to manufacture small arms and ammunition.
China now had one of the best long rang SAM systems rival to Russian S-300. Countless medium rang SAM systems. China had the ONLY operational DF-41F anti-carrier ballistic ICBM missles. China also had advance anti-satellite missles. In the
is field PRC had catch up to the west.
Navy China had very deadly destroyers,frigates, fast attack submarine, SSN submarine, missle boats, amphibian ship, supply ship. 1 carrier put to sea & 2 carriers are now been build. In this field PRC not catch yet.
Cyberspace warfare PRC are catch up.
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