May 27, 2014 -- Updated 1314 GMT (2114 HKT)
A Chinese coast guard ship (back) shadows a Vietnamese coast guard vessel near the Paracel Islands on May 14.
- Xinhua: Vietnamese fishing boat sank after colliding with Chinese vessel off Paracel Islands
- Beijing has been drilling for oil near the island chain in the South China Sea both nations claim
- Vietnamese coast guard officials say the fishing boat was rammed amid rising tensions
- All 10 crew aboard the fishing boat were rescued by nearby vessels
(CNN) -- A Vietnamese fishing boat has sunk after colliding with a Chinese vessel near an island chain in the South China Sea at the center of a territorial dispute between the two Communist neighbors.
According to China's state-run Xinhua news agency, the Vietnamese vessel had been "harassing" a Chinese fishing boat at 5 p.m. local time on Monday in waters near the Paracel Islands, a largely uninhabited archipelago also known by the Chinese as the Xisha Islands.
However, Luu Tien Thang, a senior officer aboard a Vietnamese coast guard boat patrolling waters nearby, told CNN Tuesday the Vietnamese vessel reported that it had actually been rammed by the Chinese ship during a distress call.
While the Chinese vessel was purportedly a fishing boat, Luu said there were "usually Chinese military boats in the area with the fishing fleet."
Other Vietnamese fishing boats and coast guard ships picked up the 10 crew members aboard the Vietnamese vessel, Luu added.
'Forcefully intruded'
Relations between China and Vietnam have soured in recent weeks after a state-owned Chinese oil company began drilling for oil some 17 nautical miles off the Paracels. Vietnamese officials say Chinese military and civilian ships have been harassing their vessels around the islands -- which are controlled by Beijing but claimed by Hanoi -- even accusing the Chinese of repeatedly ramming into them and shooting water cannon.
China maintains that its current drilling activities are legitimate and blames the Vietnamese for provoking the conflict.
At a daily press briefing in Beijing Tuesday, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Qin Gang said the Vietnamese vessel had "forcefully intruded" into the area where its drilling rig was operating, then ran into the left side of a Chinese fishing boat before capsizing.
"I want to stress that the direct cause for this incident is that the Vietnamese side ... insisted on disturbing the normal operation by the Chinese side and took dangerous action on the sea," said Qin. "We once again urge the Vietnamese side to stop immediately all kinds of disruptive and damaging activities."
He said there is "no dispute concerning the sovereignty of the Xisha islands," and that they are Chinese territory.
"We hope the Vietnamese side will stop its disruptive actions and bear in mind the overall interests of the stability of the region. Only by doing so can the Vietnamese side uphold the overall interests of bilateral relationship," Qin added.
The spat recently spilled into violent anti-Chinese protests across Vietnam two weeks ago, prompting Beijing to evacuate thousands of its nationals. Recent video aired by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV showed some limping or being carried down the stairs of a medical flight arriving in the city of Chengdu, many with limbs bandaged. Two Chinese nationals were killed in earlier clashes, authorities said.
Vietnam characterized the protests as "spontaneous acts" by individuals who were exploiting the situation to "cause social disorder."
CNN's Euan McKirdy contributed to this report.
ក្រោយមក មន្រ្តីរដ្ឋាភិបាលចិនម្នាក់ បានប្រាប់ទីភ្នាក់ងារបណ្តាញផ្សាយព័ត៌មាន Xinhua ផ្លូវការនៃប្រទេសចិនថា ទូកនេសាទវៀតណាម បានក្រឡាប់បន្ទាប់ពីបុកជាមួយនាវានេសាទចិននៅប្រហែលម៉ោង៥ល្ងាចម៉ោងនៅក្នុងស្រុកកាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ។
ប្រទេសវៀតណាម ប្រាប់ឲ្យដឹងថា នាវាចិន បានបើកបុកហើយធ្វើឲ្យលិចទូកនេសាទវៀតណាមមួយគ្រឿងនៅក្នុងសមុទ្រចិនខាងត្បូងដែលមានជម្លោះ នៅជិតកន្លែងដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលទីក្រុងប៉េកាំង បានដាក់ការដ្ឋានខួងប្រេង។
ពួកមន្រ្តីនាវាចរណ៍វៀតណាម និយាយថា អ្នកនេសាទ១០នាក់ បានត្រូវជួយសង្គ្រោះ បន្ទាប់ពីទូកនេសាទរបស់ពួកគេ បានត្រូវនាវានេសាទចិនបុកកាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទម្ស៉ិលមិញ ដែលស្ថិតនៅចម្ងាយ 30 គ.ម. ពីទីកន្លែងដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលទីក្រុងប៉េកាំង បានដាក់ការដ្ឋានខួងប្រេង។
ពួកមន្រ្តីនាវាចរណ៍វៀតណាម និយាយថា អ្នកនេសាទ១០នាក់ បានត្រូវជួយសង្គ្រោះ បន្ទាប់ពីទូកនេសាទរបស់ពួកគេ បានត្រូវនាវានេសាទចិនបុកកាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទម្ស៉ិលមិញ ដែលស្ថិតនៅចម្ងាយ 30 គ.ម. ពីទីកន្លែងដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលទីក្រុងប៉េកាំង បានដាក់ការដ្ឋានខួងប្រេង។
អ្នកនាំពាក្យក្រសួងការបរទេសចិន Qin Gang និយាយថា ឧបទ្ទវហេតុនេះ បង្ហាញថា ការខិតខំរបស់វៀតណាមដើម្បីបង្អាក់ការខួងប្រេង ជាការឥតប្រយោជន៍និងធ្វើឲ្យខូចប្រយោជន៍របស់ពួកគេ។
លោក និយាយថា ឧបទ្ទវហេតុនេះគឺថា វៀតណាម មិនអើពើពីការចរចា ការព្រមាននិងការហាមឃាត់ម្តងហើយម្តងទៀតរបស់ចិន។ វៀតណាម បានទទូចធ្វើការរំខានដោយប្រើកម្លាំងពីកិច្ចប្រតិបត្តិការជាធម្មតារបស់ចិនហើយបានធ្វើសកម្មភាពប្រកបដោយគ្រោះថ្នាក់នៅក្នុងសមុទ្រ។
នាវាវៀតណាមនិងនាវាចិន បានប៉ះទង្គិចគ្នាជារឿយៗចាប់តាំងពីចិន បានដំឡើងការដ្ឋានខួងប្រេងកាលពីថ្ងៃទី១ ខែឧសភា ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងតំបន់អ្វីដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលទីក្រុងហាណូយ ចាត់ទុកជាតំបន់សេដ្ឋកិច្ចផ្តាច់មុខរបស់ខ្លួន។
A hypocrite Viet will cry to the international. Yeah!
these motherfuc##r reporters only report anything against china which their bosses-- the jews-- who want to control the world told them to [ china is in their way ]... if they are really journalists and care about journalism they should also report the other side of the story which would tell the world that the Youns are having no problem about their gov and people invading and stealing khmer's land.
This is what Vietnam did to Cambodia by encroaching on Cambodian land and maritime borders, especially taking many Cambodian islands. This is karma - the bad deed of Vietnam has now returned to haunt it. I wish China can teach Vietnam many hard lessons so Vietnam can feel the pains that the Cambodian feel from Vietnam's violations.
I support china this is china territory,not hanoi,china do the best they can,I hope they crackdown more to be a lecture to hanoi,hanoi is a gangster and always take neighbors land never want to stop like cambodia and laos,if we don't have hanoi I believe south east asia fell comfort to live, hanoi is a dangerous one to live near by,Hun sen may loose his boss and phay siphan he is al-qaeda reporter may arrest very soon.
Both Vietnamese and Chinese government lied. That sunk Vietnamese fishing boat was chartered by the Vietnamese government to harass the Chinese oil platform, to be sunk to generate bad public relation against China. Chinese government of course lie, "The Vietnamese boat tries to harass Chinese boat."
Believe me, USA told Vietnam, "Psst, go harass China, we pay you. Give us some bad public relation to be used against China."
China is foolish to go against USA and Japan. These two power gets a lot of friends while China at best has a reluctant ally, Russia. Know this, Russia has been black-mailed by China over the lost China's land under the unequal treaty. Read history, Russia's Tsar took a lot of land from China's Qing empire.
Khmer needs to keep quiet and stay out of trouble. You folks are weak, inferior and need to improve first. I can show how inferior your race is by issue an intellectual challenge against the entire Khmer community here. All Khmer I ever met or read on the forum are vastly inferior to me. I have already read a couple thousand books and learn most if not all important subjects for mankind.
You will be next destroyed or killed. Good luck, asshole.
28 May 2014 8:31 pm is a Yuon (Vietcong) ads when this bitch turns around and comes around with new strategy for anyone.
I know Yuon stole the land from Champa and Khmer (Cambodia).
This fake nation called Vietnam should returns the stolen land or territory back to Champa and Khmer.
I know they (Yuon thieves) are so rich to show off their wealth to Westerners that they have money, but dirty money stolen via illegal trading business around the world. Yuon is very bad, very evil and very disgusted.
Bravo!...bravo!...Chen....We all with you.khmers people wants to to sink all Yuon's boats!....Job well done!...
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