A Change of Guard

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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Sar Kheng: Japan may help to break the political deadlock

Give our kids a better deal 

H.E Sor Kheng
PHNOM PENH ( The Cambodia Herald)- Acting Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng hopes that Japan can help the two winning parties CPP and CNRP to break the political deadlock as a Japanese team of experts are visiting Cambodia to study the needs of election reforms.

Sar Kheng said that Japan is a neutral country and it does not take side with any political party in Cambodia. Japan comes to help Cambodia not any party.

He said that after a team of Japanese experts met with the two parties separately, it may help the two parties to reach an agreement to end the post-election dispute.

A team of Japanese experts are visiting Cambodia to study the needs of the election reforms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

devil sar kheng