A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 May 2014

CCHR condemns prolonged ban on public assembly

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) – The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) strongly condemned the reiteration of the ban on assemblies in Phnom Penh, urging security forces to refrain from using excessive violence against protesters. 

The condemnation was made ahead of the start of the council election campaign period from 2-16 May, and the celebration of International Labor Day.

Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong issued announcement on April 29, banning all public rallies starting from May 1, 2014  after the unionists and opposition sought permission to hold public assemblies at the Freedom Park. 

“Instead of respecting the rights to freedom of expression and assembly, the Royal Government of Cambodia’s decision to refuse civil society groups and the opposition to hold demonstration in Freedom Park on Labor Day and ahead of the upcoming election is a grave violation of these rights,” CCHR’s President Chak Sopheap said in a statement issued on April 30. 

The CCHR said that the Royal Cambodian Government’s ban on public assemblies since January 4, 2014 is unlawful, seriously disproportionate and excessively broad and is in clear violation of international and domestic provision protecting the rights to freedom of assembly. 

It also called on the international community to strongly urge the Royal Cambodian Government to immediately restore the right to freedom of assembly and to ensure free and fair elections by allowing all political parties to campaign fairly.   - See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=15&token=NWMwNzJmOTk3ZjF#sthash.URAIeyka.dpuf

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