A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 20 April 2014

Courage and Persistence Key to Finding a Political Solution

By William E. Todd, U.S ambassador to Cambodia

Let me begin by saying that I hope everyone had a wonderful Khmer New Year holiday spending quality time with family and friends.  The start of anew year is always a time of renewed hope and optimism, when we focus on the potential of the future.  As we begin the Year of the Horse, like most Cambodians, I am hopeful thetwo political parties will soon come together to resolve the ongoing impasse.  Of coursesome of you were understandably disappointed that a deal was not struck before the holiday, with one reader even commenting, “I worry that the lack of a political agreement before the Khmer New Year is a bad omen.What can our leaders do to get negotiations back on track?”

It is essential to keep in mind that political negotiations are invariably complex and time consuming.  Although the working-level negotiations and high-level discussions between the ruling and opposition parties have yet to yield a final agreement, I remain optimistic that the two political parties will find a peaceful resolution to the longstanding political deadlock.  What’s important is arriving at a settlement that serves the best interests of the Cambodian people, so I encourage both the Cambodian People’s Party and the Cambodia National Rescue Party to focus their discussions on how to strengthen Cambodia’s democratic process.  Finding a resolution will require patience, thoughtfulness, and compromise; therefore, both sides must continue to engage in a productive dialogue that seeks to narrow their differences.

It has been encouraging these past few weeks to see the CPP and CNRP actively working to arrive at a compromise acceptable to both sides and finding much common ground.  Despite not reaching an agreement before the New Year, the discussions brought both parties closer together, laying the foundation for a future political resolution.As discussions continue, one principle that must not be forgotten is that constitutional rights, like the freedoms of assembly and expression, are indispensable for effective, democratic governance.  With this in mind, I continue to urge the Royal Government of Cambodia to reverse its current prohibition on peaceful demonstrations, a step that would also go far in creating a more conducive and productive environment for political negotiations.   

While the parties have yet to resolve the political impasse, I commend them for their efforts thus far.Settling differences through negotiation is never easy as it requires courage, persistence, and a willingness to see the situation from a differentviewpoint.  An indispensable element for an enduring democracy is the ability of opposing parties to sit across the table from one another to find the best solutions to their country’s challenges.Genuine dialogue between partiesstrengthens democratic developmentand benefits everyone, so the process of arriving at an agreement can be just as important as the end result.  I am confident that,once Cambodia’s current political standoff is settled, the process of negotiation that took place to reach a resolution will heavily influence the work of the National Assembly going forward.

The United States is committed to supporting Cambodia’s transition to a strong democracy that respects human rights, encourages civic participation, and ensures government accountability.  We support a Cambodian solution to the political impasse that satisfies both parties and creates a brighter future for the Cambodian people.  As part of this effort, I encourage the Royal Government, the opposition, and civil society to work together to pursue reforms that advance human rights, strengthen democracy, and provide increased opportunities for all Cambodians.

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to answer your important questions.  I urge the two parties to seize the promise of the New Year as an opportunity to settle their differences and deliver the peace, prosperity, and security that the Cambodian people deserve.  I believe Cambodia can, and must, live up to its democratic potential, and our discussions on this issue are generating positive options for moving forward.  For answers to your questions, please continue to e-mail me at AskAMBToddPP@state.gov and leave comments on my blog athttp://blogs.usembassy.gov/todd.  

William E. Todd is U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia

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