A Change of Guard

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Saturday 8 March 2014

The Heavenly Cambodian Landscape: Drone Footage Shows Beautiful Cambodian Landscape

Cambodian countryside
Cambodian countryside
While shooting a documentary in Cambodia, filmmaker Roberto Serrini found time to visit several urban and rural villages in the country. His team used a DJI Phantom drone and a GoPro camera to capture the mesmerizing beauty of Cambodia. He described the filming as an ‘amazing experience’:
On location in Phnom Pehn and the rural village of Anluk Leak, I was able to explore the cinematic beauty of this land from the sky.
A truly amazing experience, as many of these children have never seen a working television, let alone a flying drone; the mixture of excitement, trepidation, and awesome wonder was a treat to see on their faces.

Below are some Flickr photos of Roberto’s travel in Cambodia:
A rural scenery in Cambodia
A rural scenery in Cambodia

A temple in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital
A temple in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital
A monk walking in a community plaza
A monk walking in a community plaza
Cambodia's tuktuk, a popular mode of transport
Cambodia's tuktuk, a popular mode of transport
A temple in Phnom Penh
A temple in Phnom Penh
Cambodia's tuktuk, a three-wheeled public vehicle
Cambodia's tuktuk, a three-wheeled public vehicle
*Video and photos by Roberto Serrini, used with permission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it won't be long before it will be destroyed by the greedy leeches of CPP in order to fill up their own bank accounts....