A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 11 March 2014

Phnong tribal people arrested 15 illegal Vietnamese loggers in logged illegal in Cambodian forests ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចព្នង បានចាប់ឃាត់ខ្លួន ជនជាតិយួន ចំនួន១៥ នាក់រួមនិង វត្ថុតាងមួយចំនួន ទៀត ដែលពពួកយួនបានមកលួចកាប់ព្រៃឈើ ខ្មែរនៅ តំបន់អភិរក្ស

Read the full article here.


Anonymous said...

Why did they arrest the 15 Vietnamese logger? Dont they know that these Vietnamese will be released back into Cambodia with now 150 Vietnamese logger.

We need to do what the Vietnamese have been doing to Khmer. Shoot the Vietnamese onsight. Just ask the Khmer Krom in Vietnam how they are being treated.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam never shoot Cambodians entering Vietnam. Khmer Krom are Vietnamese citizens. They are dealt according to Vietnamese laws.

Anonymous said...

Shoot them and they will come with guns. What will Phnong do?

Anonymous said...

Set up booby traps is more deadlier than guns. Phnong people are really good at making those traps. It's painful and slow death but that is just the cruel way to kill a person. Hopefully,the illegal loggers don't have end up like that. They should not cut down trees in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Give these youn some dog meat to take home so that they will not come into Cambodia and cut trees again.

Anonymous said...

Just a matter of time, those Vietnamese will be released and those villagers will be arrested. Current Cambodian government is working for Vietnamese, order by Vienamese, and installed by the Vietnamese.