A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Letter to the editor: Cambodia shame

The Sydney Morning Herald
Cambodia's Foreign Minister Hor Namhong and his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh.
Cambodia's Foreign Minister Hor Namhong and his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh. Photo: Reuters
Julie Bishop has asked the Cambodian Government to take asylum seekers from Australia (''Cambodia 'solution' sought'', February 23).
She also said Australia is giving Cambodia $85 million in aid this year.
Such aid will end up in the pockets of Cambodians but not the pockets of the poor and oppressed people.
I am dumbfounded, sending poor wretched people to a country full of poor wretched and oppressed people is beyond my comprehension and I still remember Bishop and her party's indignation of the previous government's Malaysia deal.

To me this is the work of a mean, nasty and spiteful government.
William Hill Benowa

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