ខាន់ចាន់សុផល ជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធក្នុងការបង្រ្កាបនឹងបាញ់កម្មករសម្លាប់ដោយហឹង្សាជាច្រេីននាក់នៅផ្លូវវេងស្រេង ខាន់ ចាន់សុផលស្លៀកពាក់ខោអាវសីុវិល ចុះបង្រ្កាបបាញ់សម្លាប់កម្មករដូចនៅក្នុងរូបថតនេះ ជននេះពិតជាមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ណាស់សំរាប់ប្រជាជនខ្មែរ ដោយខាន់ ចាន់សុផល តែងតែមានគំនិតគំរាមចាប់ សម្លាប់សកម្មជនប្រឆាំងណាហ៊ានធ្វេីការ រិះគុណរដ្ឋាភិបាល ខុសច្បាប់ ហ៊ុន សែន ញ៉ាក់សាច់សូមបញ្ជាក់សារជាថ្មីថា ខាន់ចាន់សុផល មានមុខងារជាអ្នកបេីកបររថយន្តម្នាក់ នឹងគ្មានតួនាទីធំដុំក្នុងជួររដ្ឋាភិបាល ខុសច្បាប់ហ៊ុន សែននោះទេក្រោយពេលទទួលបានការងារជាអ្នកបេីកបរអោយ ចៅហ្វាយរបស់ខ្លួន ជននេះថ្លេីមធំ បានលួចលាក់មានទំនាក់ទំនងស្នេហាជាមួយជំទាវ ដែលជាចៅហ្វាយផ្ទាល់ ដែលប្តីគេមិនបានដឹង

He won't be able to run away in a near future. The innocent blood is calling for him right now. We know for sure that like Khmer Rouge Regime didn't live long and the evil person got killed after all one by one. He is next.
Khmer always killing Khmer then blame on Youn. Is this guy look like Youn? He is pure Khmer blood.
3 March 2014 12:59 pm,
Please think before you you said. You are stupid and gullible when your dumb comment like that. You have no idea. If you are Yuon/Vietcong, then it is you who likes to manipulate and have bad mouths.
Here is my comment for online readers and Khmer folks who have tried to fight to save Cambodia and Cambodian people.
CPP regime or government under criminal Hun Sen is like Killing Fields # 2 with a different strategy to make people starve and have difficult time to survive, causing to have a lack of food, healthcare, water and so on.
Hun Sen is not Khmer, but he is a real Yuon/Vietcong puppet and secretly works for his Hanoi bosses in Communist Vietnam.
Let the world think how the situation in Cambodia is and why so many Cambodian people have been ignored, abandoned and chased away from there residents and live in the other remote areas that have no access to water, food, education and healthcare.
During the Killing Fields # 1, Cambodian people have been evacuated or forced out of the Phnom Penh city, towns, villages and homes to forest, field or remote areas so far away. So, why it is happening today in 21st century, that corrupted and criminal CPP led by stupid Khmer Rouges killer Hun Sen (as Vietcong dog) under the control of Hanoi masters (such as Nguyen Tan Dung etc).
Please remind Cambodian people today that CPP is a new Killing Fields # 2 with different plans to slowly eliminate Khmer people step by step and there have been a flooding illegal Vietnamese immigrants and thieves into Cambodia by boats and roads under the order of Hanoi master-minded leaders in Vietnam (Hun Sen's Vietnamese bosses). The UN envoys and International Community need to see this and need to understand why some many illegal Vietnamese immigrants are allowed to coming into Cambodia to settle and why so many Cambodian/Khmer people are forced out and evicted from their lands, home and property. This needs to be stopped immediately and Hun Sen needs to forced out of power provided and supported by his Vietnamese master-minded bosses in Hanoi. Vietnamese masters in Hanoi are the ones need to be blamed, put into a shame, criticized for their dirty and deadly plans to massively kill Khmer/Cambodian people using their Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen as a tool.
Hun Sen has been illegally installed as a Prime Minister by his Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi so that Hun Sen's Hanoi masters can take advantages of Cambodia by encroaching Cambodian territory, forcing Hun Sen to sign the illegal referendum to give sea/water, land at the border, islands (like Koh Tral that is changed to Vietnamese name Phu Qoc, etc), cutting the forests via illegal land concession (like illegal economic zone), allowing illegal million of illegal Vietnamese settlers or immigrants in Cambodia (causing pollutions to water, air and land in Cambodia), killing Cambodian/Khmer people, evicting Cambodian residents (who are the land and property owners), grabbing Khmer farmers' lands and properties, stealing the money from the International donors, secretly placing the illegal Hun Sen's Vietnamese advisers in CPP government offices in Phnom Penh, secretly taking advantages of Angkor Wat tourists' money, illegally doing business through trading internationally (exports and imports), placing Vietnamese military agents and bodyguards by hiding in Khmer/Cambodian military and police uniforms, reducing Khmer educators and intelligent individuals, destroying educations of Khmer students and children, making Khmer people become more difficult to earn high salary monthly or yearly, and beyond.
Please, Khmer people and readers help spread the words about the current situations in Cambodia just mentioned above.
Khmer survivor living in the U.S.
I think all of you commenter and poster are all blindfold or else do not know the situation on the ground inside Cambodia.
3 March 2014 9:16 pm,
What are you talking about? Your comment is so vague. All of them? Bullshit!!!
I don't care if you are Khmer or Yuon but if you kill innocent Khmers you will be punished by your own action. This fat PIG he won't get away with his crimes. We know who he is he may get away with his crimes for now but we will catch him later.
អ្នកណានិយាយគាំទ្រហ៊ុន សែន ឬគាំទ្រថាយួនមកសង្រោះខែ្មរ អ្នកពិតជាមាន ខួរក្បាលដូចបង្កងមិនខុសបនិ្តចអ្វីទេសូមជ្រាប ។
អាមួយនេះវាពិតជាខែ្មរមែន ប៉ុនែ្តខួរវាសុទ្ធតែអាចម៏ ដូចេ្នះហេីយវាចូលចិត្ត ធេី្វអី្វខុសៗ។
Ah khan chan min ding kyol was drunk most of the time even during killing on Veng Sreng nor spoken on the Face book in response to three transgender in Srok Siam.Ah nis low of the low!...This pig is a wasted useless creature; tuk min jom nenh dok chenh min kart = keep it we gain nothing,kill it we lose nothing....An innocent blood cries out to God,so ah khan chan min ding kyol will be punished by God soon.
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