A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Hun Sen suit ‘needs evidence’

A prosecutor at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court has urged a youth organiser to provide the court with more evidence in his lawsuit against Prime Minister Hun Sen, promising to hear the case if ample proof is brought.
Plaintiff Neang Sokhun, who is the president of the Khmer Youth Federation of Patriots, filed a lawsuit in February accusing Hun Sen of illegally ceding the islands of Koh Tral and Koh Krachak Ses to Vietnam. Sokhun said that deputy prosecutor Meas Chanpiseth asked for additional evidence after an hour-long questioning session yesterday.
“[The deputy prosecutor] promised that if we take enough evidence, they would judge our lawsuit in the future,” Sokhun said.
“They did not confirm that they would invite Mr Prime Minister Hun Sen to clarify, but they just said that if we have adequate evidence they would send [our complaint] to the court for judgment.”
Deputy prosecutor Meas Chanpiseth could not be reached for comment.

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