A Change of Guard

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Saturday 8 March 2014

CCHR Information: Organizational Changes

CCHR Information - Organizational Changes 
07 March 2014 

Dear partners and friends,

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights is happy to share with you some information about important organizational changes that we strongly believe will strengthen CCHR’s ability to fulfill its mission of protecting and promoting human rights in Cambodia. Knowing the support you have shown to CCHR in those past years, we believe you will find these changes to be positive and we hope that they will allow even more fruitful collaboration.

The position of President at CCHR no longer exists and current CCHR President and Executive Director Ou Virak transitioned to become the Chair of CCHR’s Board of Directors. The Chair of the Board, Vice Chair and other Board members will represent CCHR to stakeholders and interested parties. The Board of Directors will also play an oversight role in monitoring and evaluation to ensure organizational transparency and effective management.

Chak Sopheap, currently CCHR's Program Director, will move into the new role of Executive Director. As Executive Director, Sopheap will be in charge of the day to day operations of CCHR, will oversee project implementation and strategic direction and will gradually become the face of the organization, along with the Board of Directors and the Project Coordinators.

The Chair of Board will continue playing a day-to-day role at CCHR during the first six months of 2014, working very closely with the Executive Director in order to ensure a smooth transition in leadership. CCHR strongly believes that changes in leadership are important for all organizations, in order to keep them fresh and relatable. As part of CCHR’s strategy for the past three years, CCHR's Board of Directors has begun playing a more active role in the activities and strategic decisions of CCHR. The recent structural changes are a reflection of our will to strengthen this strategy and to take it further. As such, the Board will continue to play a more active role in 2014, helping to ensure CCHR's independence and transparency.

Attached you will find an up to date list of CCHR board members and senior staff members, including their contact details and roles for 2014. Several of CCHR's Projects will be wrapping up while some others have been expanding. These changes are part of our continued effort to evaluate our work and focus on areas where we have identified to be more effective. Also of note is that CCHR's Sithi Project - managing the online human rights portal and ICT related training for the promotion and protection of human rights – is now mainly operating out of the new Sithi Hub, located at  #6, Street 264, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

If you should have any questions relating to organizational changes or anything else contained in this email please feel free to contact us via email atinfo@cchrcambodia.org.

Kindly find attached CCHR’s Board Members, Management Committee and Project Coordinators’ contact list.

Kind Regards,

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