A Change of Guard

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Sunday 9 March 2014

Can Prince Ranariddh regain his lost popularity?

Give our kids a better deal 
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Many Cambodian people are surprised by the The return of Prince Norodom Ranariddh into politics. His return is considered by many as a reflection of what he told the editor of an online news The Cambodia Herald last year that he has been addicted to politics.

His return may have impact on the current balance of popularity between the two major parties, Cambodia People’s Party (CPP) of Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which stirs a strong reaction from many people.

In retrospective, the prince was deemed as an important figure in Cambodian politics along with  Prime Minister Hun Sen until the election in 2003 when he was leading his party Funcinpec. It was during the downfall of his popularity, triggered by an internal dispute within his party, which saw an increasing support for Sam Rainsy, who is currently president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party. It should also be noted that both Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, heads of CRNP, used to be members of Funcinpec, which was led by Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

The prince was seen as a key politician in the past because he used to serve as  had served as the head of Funcipec, first prime minister and the President of the National Assembly.

His decision to return to politics this time also draws public attention.

According to the reaction from both CPP and CNRP, it is highly likely that the prince will not join with CNRP and instead seems to pose a threat to Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha. It is quite obvious that it is hard for him to work for the two who used to be parts of his party and have different ideology.

Khieu Kanharith, CPP’s spokesperson, said that “it is his right to return to politics and I think that he still has some influence. However, we are not too concerned about it. We might say this is a new start for him.” He also denied the rumor that the prince’s return may threaten CPP’s popularity. “The relationship between Prime Minister Hun Sen and the prince has always been good although they may have had some minor disagreements”, he added.

However, Kem Sokha made no positive comment on the prince’s return inferring that the prince will not join his party. He said “he has no interest in the prince’s return and so do all citizens. There is no reason for us to worry and it is his own right to establish his own party. I think I have no more comment since everyone already knew him well.” His reaction shows no support for the prince’s return.

Nevertheless the prince plays an important role in shaping Cambodian politics. Only time can tell if he could regain his lost popularity.

- See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=15&token=ZjFiODM2NzI2ZmQ#sthash.EZlvwki2.dpuf


Anonymous said...

This guy Ranariddh works for CCP. His return is in CCP's interests. Go to hell .....people know you too well ....no support for you .

Anonymous said...

If anyone in Cambodia again throws his/her support to this retarded and incompetent prince, that person must have his/her genetically defect of the thought process.
And that is one of the reasons, Cambodian people are never seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and suffering is every norm of them.

Anonymous said...

This idiot is worthless than my dog. I rather honor my four lags best friend than this cock sucker prince.

Anonymous said...

Regaining his popularity after his foolish and naive strategy with CPP is NO, NO, NO. That is his loss and stupidity.

Anonymous said...

yes he will regaining a playboys style but not much as his Father.

Anonymous said...

Need newer and younger leadership not old fart.

Anonymous said...

He come to curse the nation again

Anonymous said...

Send his monkey ass back to France, if they will accepted him.