A Change of Guard

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Monday, 3 March 2014

Academy Award passes over Cambodian entry

More than 100 carved clay characters populate Rithy Panh’s Oscar-nominated film "The Missing Picture".
More than 100 carved clay characters populate Rithy Panh’s Oscar-nominated film "The Missing Picture". PHOTO SUPPLIED
Cambodia's Oscar hopes ended this morning as director Rithy Panh's The Missing Picture was edged out by Italy's The Great Beauty.
Panh's autobiographical film, which used clay figures and sets to look at life under the Khmer Rouge regime, was one of five films competing for the best foreign-language picture at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles.
Some 50 people gathered to watch a live broadcast of the event at Phnom Penh's Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre, the film preservation institute founded by Panh.

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