A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Unionists march to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the murder of union leader Chea Vichea 22/1/14

Post by Sam Rainsy.


Anonymous said...

at least Chea Vichea die with honour n people honor his death.and when hun sen die people will cheer to him go.what kind of legacy will any of us leave when we die.

Anonymous said...

Chea Vichea made a huge mistake of involving politics, supporting SRP. He should have remained independent to focus on helping the workers.

I learned a wisdom from the ancient Chinese Prime Minister Chen Ping: If you want to help someone, first you need to survive.

Chea Vichea would be more potent in helping the workers if he is still alive.


P.S. I read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.


Anonymous said...

read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.


Anonymous said...

read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.


Anonymous said...

read thousand and thousand of books so I know just about anything of important. Most of you guys are quite ignorant and talking nonsense.
