A Change of Guard

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Monday, 20 January 2014

A Vietnamese in Cambodian police uniform


Anonymous said...

Did guy speak Khmer properly? He keeps coughing because he does not want to show his Vietnamese accent.

Anonymous said...

The guy/policeman speaks Vietnamese, not Khmer.

Anonymous said...

By now, we must have known Hun Sen is Vietnamese in Khmer " uniforms " !

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Please don't forget this YUON are not serving khmer.They're killing and controlling all khmer.If Hun Sen love khmer why he need to bring all that YUON to be a general of policeman? Just look Neth Savoeun is a big general of policeman but everyday he have power only in his office and drunk every day because He can't do anything .YUON used him as a toc co ta general.

Anonymous said...

I'm really proud of khmer youth factory workers,you so brave,I the dictator police they want arrest all leader,but don't scare if one have been other one must be step up for leader to lead the protester until you get win,we haver un ,usa,europe and all khmers around the world to support you until you get a real democracy and we kick out all dictators and put them all in the jail even families who is concerned .

Anonymous said...

Mark my words.
Hun Sen 's days are numbered !!!