A Change of Guard

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Friday, 11 October 2013

Phnom Penh officials sued [by Boeung Kak residents] for attempted murder, violence

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Certain Phnom Penh officials, police officers and military police have been sued by the residents of  the Boeung Kok land dispute community for attempted murder and violence. 

The complaints filed Friday sued Sok Penhvuth, Daun Penh district deputy governor, Kim Vutha, Duan Penh order chief, Pich Socheata, Duan Penh council official, Sao Nol, Duan Penh deputy police inspector along with other police and military police officers. 

The residents filed the complaints against them after a clash broke out between the residents and the authorities on September 22, leaving 11 people injured as well as damaging some of their property.

In the complaints, they said that they had gathered on September 22 at Wat Phnom Penh to demand justice for jailed land activist Yorm Bopha, and also solution to the land disputes within their community, however around eight o’clock in the evening around 500 police officers armed with batons surrounded the area.

They had accused the police, who were led by the very city officials that they are suing, of beating, kicking and throwing marbles at them in the crackdown, leaving some reporters as well as national and international human rights activists injured, the complaints said. 

The Phnom Penh officials who have been sued have yet to comment over the case.  Watch the video of the violence here.

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