ខែ្មរ សុវណ្ណភូមិ កែប: គេហទំព័ររបស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុ
យើងមិនដឹងថាក្រុមហ៊ុននេះមានថវិការប៉ន្មានមកវិនិយោគ និងប្រើរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំនោះទេ ហើយបង់ពន្ធជូនរដ្ឋប៉ុន្មានដែរ។ ជាពិសេសទៅទៀតយើងមិនដឹងថា នឹងមានប្រជាជនប៉ុន្មានរយគ្រួសារ
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Your damn M F....ker! ah Kwang ma Khak! Can you make a living without selling our ancestor land? I’m ready man as so many other people. If we have to be a slave anyway, why do we have to be Youne or Chinese slave? What is in your mind ha Twang?
Bunch of BS. How do you know this?
Kill those who sign the concession with youn and take back our Island as soon as possible before it too late like Kampuchea krom.
A ron teas bagn Hun Sen! A trov Kreap plorng Hun Sen! A Lean ansaket! a ang geab tay yong!! I pray every night for Hun Sen to died with a stick in his ash! for him to died like hell!
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