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Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sri Lankan company to plant 20,000 hectares of rubber in Cambodia

Give our kids a better deal
PHNOM PENH, 17th August 2013 (The Cambodia Herald) -- Sri Lankan agricultural group Lankem Ceylon PLC says it plans to plant 20,000 hectares of rubber in Cambodia as part of a diversification strategy.

Lankem chairman A Rajaratnam disclosed the strategy in the company's annual report for the year to March, 2012, released by the company earlier this month.

"The plans to mitigate some of the risks involved in the plantation sector, the management has made a conscious decision to diversify the crops planted on the estates," the chairman said.

In addition to replanting nearly 1,000 hectares of low-yielding rubber with oil palm, he said the company's Kotagala Plantations unit had obtained government regulatory approval to plant 20,000 hectares of rubber in Cambodia.

"Once the entire extent of land is planted, this will represent a five-fold increase in the acreage of rubber under cultivation for the company," Rajaratnam said.

"With significantly lower wage costs, and higher yielding lands, the profit per acre from the Cambodian estates will be much higher than the equivalent estates in Sri Lanka."

Further details weren't immediately available.

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