A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 31 August 2013

Rainsy seeks talks with CPP's top leaders over election issues

PHNOM PENH, 31 August 2013 (The Cambodia Herald) -- Opposition party leader call for negotiations with senior leaders of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) over the alleged election irregularities and results.

Sam Rainsy, Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader, sent his request letter to CPP President, Chea Sim on Friday.

Standing on the spirit of resolving remaining problems peacefully in the spirit of national reconciliation and unification...I support any negotiating meetings between the top leaders of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) in order to find solutions to the irregularities of the fifth parliamentary election on July 28 and to reach political reforms for our country's progress,  according to Sam Rainsy's letter.

The opposition's negotiation request letter was sent two days after Chea Sim, said that the CPP still wanted to renew poll solution talks with the CNRP in spirit of national reconciliation.

“Previous talks between the two parties didn’t bring any positive results because the CPP strongly wanted the National Election Committee to be the decision maker, while the CNRP wanted an independent committee to be the referee,” said Sam Rainsy.

“I support Sam Dach's [Chea Sim] request to conduct peaceful talks between the senior leaders of the CPP and the CNRP to find a solution to the election issues,” he added.

The NEC's initial poll results showed that the ruling CPP won the the majority vote in the election by winning 68 out of the 123 seats in parliament while the opposition CNRP only gained 55 seats.

However the CNRP rejected the results, claiming that according to their calculations, they should have won 63 seats.

Sam Rainsy had announced, this past Thursday, that the CNRP will hold a "non-violent" mass demonstration protesting the election results on September 7, if the talks on the formation of a poll inquiry committee are not resumed, a day before the NEC will give their final official poll results.

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