A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 18 August 2013

My goodness! Why the Cambodian People's Party has so many people like Chheang Vun? អីយ៉ា!!.. គណបក្សប្រជាជនមានមនុស្សដូច ឈាង វុន ច្រើនម្លេះ!!...

The title of this post is courtesy of a Facebooker user Sun Kosal. Read about Chheang Vun here. And "Who is Chheang Vun?".


Anonymous said...

Don't worry your family is Next on Cpp eviction notice!...Can't you see injustice spreads all over srok Khmer like wild fire these days? Don't be scary a cat,dig a hole and hide yourself when protesters in fullforces.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy,poor boy! Don't they teach you social study? Don't they teach you about peace accord agreement in Paris 1991? People have the rights to protest in a peaceful manner? What's so scary about peaceful protesters? You should that Cpp eviction your family out of your home! Do you like to under Cpp rules by cheating,killing,intimidating,to serve Hanoi at any cost? Boy! Open your eyes look around the forest were gone,yuons free to come in at any time,Hun sen is it dog.Yuons got protection from Cpp,Khmers got kill by Cpp,do you like that? Cambodia is Khmer's land no yuon's land,alright!

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to protest it then go to live with yourn chi kong.
You have no idea, you and Hun Sen are the slave of Yourn.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for you and your group boy, but you have a right to express your opinion. The other group has a right to protest peacefully for what they do not agree with the wrong doing of the government. If Hun Sen did not cheat the election the protest would not be happened. The world know that your prime minister Hun Sen is a criminal person. ICC is the right place for him when the right time comes. Suggesting you boy ,and your group do your homework harder about this issue. If not someday soon you will have no land to live.

Anonymous said...

What a moving song! I am close to tear at the end