A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Prey Veng Town Hall meeting - 7,000 strong demanding a change!

Thursday, June 13 -- a crowd of 7,000 attended the opposition's public forum in Prey Veng.
VIDEO SPECIAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MSqT-vO1Og
Subject: Image Prey vengDear sir,
Please enjoy with link below :

Best Regards,
CDNRM Secretariat


Anonymous said...

these 7000 rallies, demanded to changes on KS- to vote him down,

spent $500 for under age girl, goes to hell

Anonymous said...

we needs justice for mother in-law as KS body guard who hit her.,

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must be scared from this turn out at the opposition forum.

Talking about the mistress, Hun sen must be brought to justice for killing his mistress Pisith Pilika and for the bad treatment of his other mistresses like singer Him Sivorn and singer Ork Borey. Ork Borey has to escape to America to hide from Hun Sen's wife Bun Rany who ordered the assassination of actress Pisith Pilika in 1999.