A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Hun Sen says July polls his for the taking [The Nostradamus of Cambodia has never been wrong before because he is the candidate, the election-organiser and the vote-counter!] លោក ហ៊ុន សែន បានទោះទាយថាលោកនឹងឈ្នះឆ្នោត។ លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ទាយមិនដែលខុសសោះពីព្រោះលោកគឺជាបេក្ខជន អ្នករៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត និងជាអ្នករាប់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតទៀត!

Singapore (The Straits Times/ ANN) -- Asia's longest-serving prime minister, Hun Sen (pictured) of Cambodia, over the weekend declared that he was guaranteed to win the July 28 general election.

Known for his abrasiveness, the 61-year-old, who has run Cambodia for some 30 years, has also in recent weeks warned of disaster if his Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is not voted back to power.

Few doubt that the CPP will win given the fragmentation of the opposition.

Hun Sen, though accused by critics of authoritarianism, has been handing out land titles, attracting investment and, throughout his term, reaching out to the rural masses. And in today's Cambodia, livelihood and development issues are more important than others for voters, analysts say.

Underlying the election campaign is also an attempt to put in place a younger generation - at least six sons of senior CPP members, including Hun Sen, are running in the elections.

Still, despite Hun Sen's confidence, the pre-election environment remains volatile and the rhetoric high-pitched. The CPP's election loss in 1993 still haunts Hun Sen and the party to some degree, which makes them nervous.

One fault line that has emerged again is the shadow of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime.

The ruling CPP has always been determined to ensure that its true nature is written into history.

The Khmer Rouge led by the despotic Pol Pot ran the country from 1975 to 1979 and killed millions.

Thus, about a month ago, when opposition lawmaker Kem Sokha remarked that the invading Vietnamese in 1978 had fabricated the Khmer Rouge's crimes at Tuol Sleng prison, where an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 people died, it touched a very raw nerve.

A widely circulated audio recording of remarks made at a public forum - dismissed by his Cambodian National Rescue Party as doctored - has Kem Sokha saying: "If the Khmer Rouge killed a lot of people, they would not be stupid to keep it to show to everyone, they would destroy it to eliminate evidence. I believe that it was just staged."

The CPP, using its majority in parliament, last week rushed through a law that outlawed the denial of Khmer Rouge atrocities.

The law is not unusual. Germany has had such a law for years, making it a criminal offense to deny the holocaust.

Now the law hangs over Kem Sokha.

Two days after it was passed, thousands of Cambodians took to the streets denouncing Khmer Rouge denialists.

The debate that the Khmer Rouge era continues to generate is about coming to terms with history, says history professor Harish Mehta of Canada's McMaster University and author of a biography of the premier titled Strongman - The Extraordinary Life Of Hun Sen.

"Now by making genocide denial a crime, the CPP and Hun Sen are actually confronting voters and saying this is a political issue, and are you on the right side of history or not. Voters will have to decide on which side of the fault line they stand." - See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=11&token=ZGJiMmY3NDRkNjV#sthash.EXGBl45m.dpuf







Anonymous said...

i will cast my vote for CPP,
no 1 better than them,,

unlike KS, spent $500 for under age girl, goes to hell.,



Anonymous said...

At least no one get killed,Hun sen killed his mistress Pisith Pelikah took her house back given it to another mistress of his.Hun sen killed many Khmers at Easter zone where he was commander in Khmer rouge regime.Hun sen K.R his hands soaked with innocent Khmer's bloods I won't vote for murderers Cpp thugs. All dumb foes vote for Cpp Hun sen to stay in power until srok Khmer became another champa or kampuchea krom or Laos.

RealKhmer said...

This is "CAMBODIAN STYLE" of political candidates debates of issues Domestically and Internationally. No podium, no narrator questioning, no round table discussion, no town hall meeting, no television commercials, and NOTHING IN A CIVILIZE WAY. But we have threatening jail, personal safety, return of genocide regime, war. So despicable.

The Yuon are laughing so loud among themselves, for sure they're saying that "Why Khmer are so stupid, from one generation to another, they never learn any lesson, Khmer continued to kill and jail each other and we[Vietnam]continued to benefit from them, we took their lands, their sea water, their natural resources,their islands, the flock of our Vietnamese people in millions to their country and taking more lands and waters from Khmer, we logged their forest in millions of hectars, Khmer gov't gave us millions of hectar to do what ever we desired, we got our economic zone that we always wanted to get more of our[Vietnam People]to come and live and work in Khmer's land, and we[Vietnam] continued to use Khmer people to scare other Khmer people, Dou ma what ever we[Vietnam] wanted, WE GET IT, yet Khmer are still fighting each other because of us and pointing finger at each other, and WE[VIETNAM] STILL TAKE ANYTHING WE. Khmer are talking about us everyday. Now, Khmer wanted to side it with the Chinese, that's a joke...". YUON SAID, "KHMER IS A JOKE, THEY NEVER GOING TO LEARN, THEY CONTINUE TO BE STUPID.

Anonymous said...

goes to hell KS,

spent $500 for under age girl to get her virgin & destroyed her virgin..

Anonymous said...

CPP is policy is identical to Khmer Rouge. The dumb and stupid got power use the smart one to do all the dirty work. All the top brass don't even know how to read or write and don't even know your own country history.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen believes he can win because he has Vietnamese to vote for him and he can cheat to win because he controlled everything in Cambodia.