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Saturday, 1 June 2013

[Cambodian composer] Ung launches composers project

Chinary Ung
Chinary Ung — Howard Lipin
UC San Diego composer Chinary Ung is collaborating with the New York New Music Ensemble, Cambodia’s Royal University of Fine Arts, the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh and Cambodia Living Arts in offering the first Nimitta Composers Institute in Cambodia.
Underwritten by a grant from the Asian Cultural Council, Ung and his wife, violist Susan Ung, and the New York New Music Ensemble, will travel to Phnom Penh in late June for a series of concerts, workshops and lectures focusing on training and supporting young Cambodian composers.
Ung, who earned his doctorate at Columbia University (and was born in Cambodia and lost family members in the “killing fields” genocide), has long been a strong supporter of Cambodian composers and an ardent advocate of preserving Cambodian culture.
He has received several cultural preservation awards from Cambodian-American communities and is an adviser of the Killing Fields Memorial and Cambodian-American Heritage Museum in Chicago.
The New York New Music Ensemble recently performed his music at New York’s Le Poisson Rouge in a “Season of Cambodia” festival concert celebrating Ung’s 70th birthday,
In a note to potential supporters of the composers project, Ung said he imagined a “movable school of composition that can form partnerships with existing institutions, centers, or community villages throughout Cambodia.”

In its inaugural incarnation, the festival will offer several young Cambodian composers the opportunity for the New York New Music Ensemble to perform their work and offer suggestions. It will also provide several “small monetary awards” for the most promising composers.
For more information on the project, visit the New York New Music Ensemble’s website:

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