A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

20 arrested in protest

Give our kids a better deal
Police have arrested twenty people in a protest Tuesday in front of Naga World Casino.

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Police have arrested twenty people in a protest Tuesday in front of Naga World Casino.

The twenty suspects were arrested after the police and security forces armed with batons and riot shields were trying to brake up protestors who have camping out in front of the casino since Thursday of last week in order to demand their wages increase to a minimum $150.

Some of the staff arrested were identified as Mam Rithy, Prum Pov, Pich Sophannary and Sok Narith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naga is the only one Casino in middle of Phnom Penh
because it's Hun Sen family business . The arrested persons an be charged as the Traitors of Nation for protesting against government leader OR they can be
jailed for deforestation, according to Kangoroo Court .
Try to vote for CNRP , you will get $150 minimum . Hun
Sen has only Sarong & Be Cheng ..