“Cambodia has no political prisoners but politicians with criminal acts”.
That is what the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen stated publicly on
November 23 during a public speech. Rupert Abbott is the Amnesty
international researcher for Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. On November 18,
he published a commentary in the Global Post in which – referring to 71-year-old journalist Mam Sonando – he states “Amnesty
International considers him to be a prisoner of conscience, jailed
solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression”. Asian Correspondent
met him to discuss the state of human rights in Cambodia after the
historical visit of US President Obama and the expectations that the
ASEAN drew in the country.
What do you think of Prime Minister’s Hun Sen statement on human rights according to which ‘Cambodia is not that bad compared to neighbouring countries‘ ?
There are certainly other countries with serious human rights
problems, including Vietnam for example. But Cambodia’s donors might say
that Cambodia has received billions of dollars in assistance from
foreign taxpayers. And after 20 years of promised reforms, the justice
system looks a bit better, but in substance there has been little
For example, the control of the courts by political and business
elites continues. And we can see these courts persecuting human rights
defenders and grassroots groups that have been emerging in the context
of land and natural resource conflict and operating outside the usual
power structures. This seems to be concerning the Cambodian authorities.
But Cambodia should be proud of its civil society, which is changing,
and I think that this is not going unnoticed by the government. Look at
what happened at Boeung Kak Lake
for example, where we saw a community stand up for itself against a
forced eviction and actually achieve concessions from the authorities.
These communities are learning from each other; the Boeung Kak community
is inspiring others, such as Phnom Penh’s Borei Keila’s community. This
is different to an NGO going to community and telling them how to
organize. NGOs represent human rights – and therefore principles, while
these grassroots groups and community groups represent people.
President Barack Obama, left, is shown the way by Cambodia's Prime
Minister Hun Sen before the ASEAN-U.S. leaders meeting in Phnom Penh
earlier this month. Pic: AP.
Do you think Obama’s visit met the expectation of Cambodians?
I am not sure what Cambodians generally expected. Amnesty International
– along with most Cambodian human rights groups – was generally pleased
since everything that the U.S President said was made public and he was
strong on human rights. In hindsight, perhaps it was a shame that more
conditions weren’t put on his visit, particularly the immediate release
of prisoner of conscience Mam Sonando. Realistically, I think President
Obama’s stance was as strong as one could have expected. There is
another point to be made. Other leaders in Cambodia for the ASEAN and
East Asia Summits – from Japan, Australia and India, which is the
biggest democracy in the world – didn’t say much at all about the human
rights situation. So Obama’s strong words should be considered in this
context also.
Do you think a crackdown on human rights defenders can happen now that the ASEAN and East Asia Summits are over?
2012 has been a really bad year for human rights in Cambodia,
especially with regard to land conflict and freedom of expression in
that context. There is no doubt the government knows the land problem is
serious: there have been public policy shifts to address the problem.
The hope is that the government reflects a bit, after the summits, and
understands that its reputation is at stake. The human rights situation
needs to be improved, with the justice system strengthened, and civil
society allowed to contribute to the more equal development of the
Of course, the government will not be happy about the negative attention
it got around the human rights situation during the first ever visit of
a United States president. We hope that the international community
won’t start to look away. Elections are coming in nine months, which
historically means further restrictions on freedom of expression.
What is your opinion on the culture of the impunity still going on in the country?
Fighting impunity requires reform to the justice system and
strengthening the rule of law, so that the courts protect ordinary
This year, we have seen impunity in a number of high profile cases.
For example, there was no investigation in to the May killing of a
14-year-old girl during the forced eviction of a community in Kratie
province’s Pro Ma village. And the investigation and judicial
proceedings around the April killing of environment activist Chut Wutty
have been unsatisfactory.
What are your expectations for Cambodia in the future?
We have to hope that those in power institute reforms – including
around the land problem and the justice system – that are in the
interests of the population, while embracing civil society as a dynamic
force to contribute to the fairer development of the country.
If restrictions on freedom of expression persist and the land crisis
continues, it is hard to predict exactly what will happen. But we are
concerned that we may see some of the government’s gains made over the
past 20 years, in terms of economic development and poverty reduction,
being undone.
Bad years ever since Yuon occupied Srok Khmer.
Since 1979-------4ever....
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