The black line is the old border line. The red line is the new border line after the 1985 treaty and the 2005 Supplemental Treaty with Vietnam.The red arrow shows Heng Samrin's birth village ceded to Vietnam.
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Heng samrin should stand up to protect his ancestor's land if Huncent is too scares of Hanoi his boss.Ignore this land ceding is Treason both of Heng Samrin or Huncent.
Based on red line drawed, particarly on Peacot and Hook areas in Kompong Cham and Svay Rieng shows that Bavet and Memot may have been lost to VN. Up to 07/15/12, Bavet's border gate and Memot's city hall still have Khmer flag fyling.
so the evident is on the red line you draw urself right? it's not clear at all.
Dummy, you can see we lost lands to Yuon
Put a scale for them to read map language scale,look small but it big on the scale.
Where is the source for this map? Why are there two lines in Svay Rieng, one showing the whole province is gone, and the other maybe Bavet?
Whether this particular map shows it or not, the fact is that Hun Sen did, as paybacks give OUR
lands, including Koh Tral to Yuon.
That's what we called "gratitude's gift" for not kill him (Hun cent) when he defected to Srok Yuon in K.R regime,in return Hun cent gaven to Yuon khmer's land for saving his ASS and giving him power to be PM for life in Srok Khmer.This shameless gratitude =traitor=treason=kbottjeat.all of these trading for wealth,powers, Yuon's pussies,a lots of them.
I never believed opposition party
Always make Khmer divided apart
I never believed opposition party
Always make Khmer weaks
The 1985 and 2005 treaties show Cambodia losing lands to Vietnam. The new map show it, the villagers cried because their land is lost to Vietnam and Svar Kim Hong, Heng Samrin said that his village is lost to Vietnam. What else do you want to see and hear? The map is a rough map, but it is true.
Believe it or not, no one cares about numb's skull like you,can't see...'can't hear...handed head,can't read....!!! You better living in a coffin 6'under!! Cpp ceded land for Yuon an exchanged for power signed in 1985 by Hun Cent.Heng Samrin,intoxicated with Kdith Srey Yuon forget his birthplace as khmer's land or as his ancestor's land,his lips were tied because of fearing of losing his job as PM.
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