A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Cambodian Children's Fund Gala In New York Tonight

April 10, 2012

The Cambodian Children’s Fund will hold a special fundraising gala in New York City tonight, April 10, and has enlisted some impressive celebrity support.


Hosted by Chris Parnell, the event will take place at the Tribeca Rooftop, 2 Desbrosses Street, at 6:30pm. It will feature a cocktail reception and auction, and a host committee that includes Heather Graham, Hugh Jackman and Steve Tisch.

Cambodian Children’s Fund was founded in 2003 by former Hollywood film executive Scott Neeson and was originally developed as a single shelter offering safe haven to 45 children in critical need. Today they care for more than 1,200 children and extend their services to provide for families and communities in crisis.

CCF is dedicated to giving its students the chance to discover their individual voices. They are proud to see their students demonstrate intolerance for injustice, a strong sense of self-worth and a deep sense of compassion and respect for their communities and country — ultimately honing their potential to emerge as leaders and progressive spokespeople enacting positive social change.

Find out more about the event here.

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