A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 13 April 2008

Vietnamese company targets to plant 1,500 hectares of rubber in Cambodia

Planting rubber trees in Cambodia.

Nhan DanPhu Rieng –Kratie Rubber Joint Stock Company has set a target of planting 1,000 to 1,500 hectares of rubber in Kratie province of Cambodia this year.
The company was established last year with three founding shareholders: the Phu Rieng Rubber Company, the Vietnam Rubber Industrial Group and the Song Da Corporation with the aim of promoting a project to plant rubber trees in Cambodia.
Right in 2007, the company planted 200 hectares of rubber trees in Snoul district.
The province governor Kham Phoeun said he appreciated the project to plant rubber trees by Phu Rieng-Kratie Rubber JSC because though the company has been established for a short time, it has created jobs for 250 Cambodian workers, contributing to stablising their lives.
The company is building 150 houses for their workers and has donated US 27,000 to build a school for the locality and upgrade local pagodas.

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