Anonymous said...
First, I am not a supporter of any party. In my research and
personal opinions, I found out that we probably did lose our territories to our three
thieving neighbors.
Cambodia was too busy killing each others and there was no one
to keep an eye on our borders with the neighboring countries. Our country's military was so weak and disorganized and that's why Siam (Thailand) and Youn (Vietnam) took advantages of this great
opportunities. Siam moved border posts where the Khmer Rouge, the KPNLF and
the FUNCINPEC resistance forces had withdrawn after the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements, leaving a void at the border areas.
The current
Cambodian government knew this happening at western, eastern and northern
borders but was powerless to control these situations because there was no
budget, no political will, no man powers and no back up to confront these thieving neighbors. Cambodia only had an opportunistic allies, but never had a real friend.
believed that the border posts that Siam had moved will only be
temporary, if Cambodia had competent border negotiators. In these modern
days where we had GPS and Navigators, there is little that Siam can manipulate. We need a
government to draw a line that we Khmers will tolerate NO MORE the
expansion into our country.
We need to take some of the corrupted
money away from government officials and put into our armed forces to
give them the equipments and the training that they need in order to protect our
territories. We need to develop the border areas so more Khmers will
move in these areas to keep an eyes on these thieves.
if, u wishes to lose lands to our neighbours, it will be in future
cambodia will disolve from the earth
Hey us real Khmers had never given up. Siam, Youn, Lao you keep on dreaming of full control of our land. Khmers never wanted go to war, or had no intention to kill anyone but if you push us, we will go angry & crazy. An angry & crazy Khmers will be your worst nightmares. Khmers inside & outside will resisted until we fully protect our country territories. I TRUELY BELIEVE KHMERS WILL NOT PERISH FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA. Cambodia will still exist centuries from now. So you thieving neighbors keep on dreaming. We Khmers oversea will help with Cambodia with every resources and will return back to fight if we all get to the point where our motherland is threatening with extinction. There are at least 2-3 millions Khmers lived all over the world. A lot of us oversea are highly educated and had the wealths to help our country. Many Khmers men & women were serving in U. S. A, France, British, Australian, German military. We do had the know how to fight back.
3:24 PM
Are you a Khmer or a Khmer traitor ?
Every country loses or gain land over centuries, even the U.S.A.
Nothing to fight or die for.
hamona hamoot
Hey Cambodia lost land and had never gain land back for centuries idiot. Our country Cambodia is worth dying for. I am not calling for war but if our Cambodia territories are been stolen by our thieving neighbors we have to fight to protect it.
One day I was my mom was visiting a doctor and the doctor is Vietnamese. He said he just came back from visiting Saigon , Cambodia. He said Cambodia is beautiful and my patriotic mom said to her doctor. My mom told him we lost a lot of land to our thieving neighbors and he said oh ! don't worry your country is still large. So 4:14 am you reminded me of that Viet
doctor. Would you share your wife with your neighbors ? I think not. So does Cambodia we Khmers will never share our land with Youn, Siam, Laotian etc. etc So please don't ever suggest us Khmer to calm down when our country territories are been sold, stolen to thieves.
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