A Change of Guard

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Saturday 5 January 2013

[British teenage] Jake raises cash for trip to help out in Cambodia

A STUDENT is trying to raise as much money as he can for the trip of a lifetime to help people in Cambodia.
Jake Campbell, of Southsea, is one of a group of about 15 people from Mayville High School who are planning a trip to Cambodia in the summer of 2014.
Each pupil needs to raise £3,800 for the four-week trip, which is organised through Camps International.
They take groups of people on trips around the world to lend a helping hand in poorer countries.
Jake, 15, from Devonshire Avenue, said: ‘I thought it would be a great opportunity to go across the world and to help other people.
‘It must be completely different out there.
‘They have had a lot of trouble recently and it must be really hard.
‘We will be building places for the community and generally working with them and helping them in any way we can. It sounds exciting.’
Jake and some of his school friends have thrown themselves into fundraising in a bid to raise the cash they need to fund the trip.
They have held Christmas fairs and they have a talent show coming up. Jake has also been selling some of his own possessions to raise the money.
Pupils will also be doing cake sales at parents evenings and bag packing at Tesco in North Harbour.
‘I’m trying to raise money any way I can,’ Jake added.

‘I’m confident that I will be able to do it. I just need to work hard. The trip will be really good – I think it will be amazing.
‘It’s completely different to anything I have ever done or anything I will ever do afterwards.’
Lucy Morris, head of IT at the school, is planning to go on the trip with the children.
She said: ‘It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to get out of their comfort zone and experience another culture and do a bit of charity work.
‘It’s going to be a fantastic thing once they have left school.
‘It really will be the making of some of them. We have got a diverse range of pupils going.
‘They stand to gain an awful lot from it.’
To make a donation, contact Mayville High School on (023) 9273 4847 or call Lucy on 07794 388860.

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