A Change of Guard

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Friday, 9 November 2012

Tank talk at a time of mourning [The absence of the king in the celebrations should alarm all Khmers and political observers. Is this the first step to the abolition of the monarchy?]

(Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)
Friday, 09 November 2012
Phnom Penh Post 
By Vong Sokheng 

Defence Minister Tea Banh confirmed yesterday at an event at the Ministry of Defence marking today’s 59th anniversary of Cambodia’s independence from France that last month’s shipment of tanks and armoured personnel carriers had come from Ukraine.

“I think 100 to 200 tanks is not that many,” he said to reporters, noting that, nonetheless, “We have full capacity for military operations to protect our territorial sovereignty.

“But for this year’s celebration, we were sad and full of sorrow, grieving the passing of our King Father, Norodom Sihanouk.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hun Sen told 1,000 graduates at the National Institute of Education that today’s ceremony would honour the King Father’s memory.

“It is Independence Day, and also a commemoration day,” the premier said.

But Information Minister Khieu Kanharith could not confirm whether King Sihamoni would lay a wreath and light a torch inside the Independence Monument as he usually does.

To contact the reporter on this story: Vong Sokheng at sokheng.vong@phnompenhpost.com


Anonymous said...

Khmer got poor/weak on defenses
needs strength our militaries might

Anonymous said...

RCAF needs more tanks, APC, long range artillery systems, up to date anti-tank missles, especially anti-air defense SAM systems, also better train personels to use these systems to its capabilities. Those who argued that money needs to put in reducing poverty first must know that " IF YOU BUILD A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, ALL FURNITURES INSIDE AND IF YOU NEVER BUILD A FENCES THAN THIEVES WILL JUST WALK RIGHT IN STEAL EVERYTHING IN IT" Defense spending are necessaries to protect ourselves especially we had three clever thieves around us {#1= Vietnamese, #2= Thai, #3= Laotian} I just hoped that our military are not use to kill Khmers but instead use it to defend our territories integrity.