Earlier last week, Prime Minister Hun Sen accused former Prime Minister Pen Sovan of being a Vietnamese agent. Today, through an interview with the Khmer Post, Pen Sovan had a chance to respond to that accusation.
Click on the control below to listen to the interview:
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We all Khmer should be proud with our race,who produced such a remarkable man like Pen Sovan.Despite he was sent to the brain washed school in Hanoi from very young age,and more than half of his life,he still have very strong faith for his country and his people.
Nothing more greater example than this. His greatness is just as great as Angkor Wat temple that built by our ancestor to tell how great we are.
I feel that I am so lucky to live and witness the remarkable heroism of Mr. Pen Sovan in our generation.His astounding foot-step will be a good example for thousand years to come.
A man like him only come once every 2000 years.
True Khmer
To All,
Like Pen Sovann, Hun Sen should denounce
his Viet masters and Devietnamise Cambodia.
A Khmer Patriot
Be careful! Make sure not the FAKE once again.
Why do we[Khmer]so stupid from generation to the next, allowing YOUN to do these kind of acts to us time and time again, causing turmoil among ourselves and killing and imprisonment each other because of the YOUN's game.
Are we[Khmer] that stupid? Well I guest we are stupid.
I hope this man is not an example of Viet's deception like all those in the past. I wonder why Vietcong didn't kill him and let me out? Hmm...
I’m personally known Pen Sovan after he was released prison. I admired that he is, physically and mentally strong, even though he was psychological pressured in prison and house arrested by Youn and released back home to Cambodia, people are rejected and accusing him with fault rumors. All above pressures can lead most human gone crazy.
I found out many of us love to assume, spread fault statements, heard from someone and make as a true statement.
It is not too late; if you don’t know you can go to ask Pen Sovan himself, if you still don’t believe him and then try to go to Vietnam do the research about Pen Sovan.
I found out that people doesn’t talk much about Chea Soth, senior Member of Parliament, which really close Tu samuth and he is Khmer Vietmin staying in power with Khmer rouge Hun Sen since 1979. But Chea Soth passed away recently.
Talking about Khmer Rouge Hun Sen, he is claiming that he is one of the founder members in 1979. JUST GIVE ME A BREAK. He was 25 years old at that time and just got out of the jungle. Everyone of us was 25 years old at one time, is a 25 years old Khmer Rouge Hun Sen has any leadership style to organize such movements? The answer is NO! at the time he was in Vietnamese jail with his other two friends, but they were released, because of Pen Sovan asked Yuon to release any Khmer men that locked up in prison. So Pen Sovan can organize a support group to help Youn to invade Cambodia.
Yuon already plan to invade Cambodia with or without Khmer soldiers and It doesn’t make any difference of Pen Sovan’s 24,000 soldiers.
Hence: Thousand of Khmers political prisoners were released out of Vietnamese and Lao’s prison the time as Pen Sovan
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