A Change of Guard

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Friday, 21 January 2011

Mike: Try to take your head out of a deep well

Mike, whatever you claimed yourself to be, due to the rhetoric you have presented, it clearly showed that you're a beneficiary of the CPP government and a Hanoi agent. What make you think having the same incompetent and corrupt government for over the last 20 plus years bring any change or progress to Cambodia? I hope you don't think little progress Cambodia has achieved since Hun Sen took over is a lot of progress. Aren't you tired of having the same BAY NUNG PROHOK (rice with fermented fish) everyday? Even the communist Vietnamese or the Chinese government have changed their leadership. This is for the sake of bringing fresh new ideas that may offer solutions to ongoing social and economic problems facing any country. Hun Sen is a short tempered, hot-headed fool who refuses to listen or acknowledge his mistakes. He take any criticism personally. He twisted the constitution so he can rule indefinitely. Hun Sen think he's Fidel Castro of Cuba. What have Cuba progressed since Castro took over his country some eon ago? Almost no progress, Am I correct?

Do you know why Hun Sen must rule indefinitely? Because the longer Hun Sen rules Cambodia, the more time is allowed for Youn to swallow up Khmer land. At the rate Youn is encroaching into Cambodia, who know how much more Khmer lands will be robbed. Youn want Hun Sen to be in power indefinitely. If someone else took over Hun Sen, that someone may not listen to Youn's orders. This is why it is a must that Hun Sen rule Cambodia for as long as he lives. You should never assumed or underestimated politicians such as Sam Rainsy or Khem Sokha and say they lack experience to lead Cambodia. What qualification does Hun Sen have when he first lead Cambodia, obviously not very much. Hun Sen was propped up by Youn to run Cambodia. You should not assumed that anyone other than Hun Sen is not capable to run Cambodia. If given an opportunity, Sam Rainsy might do a better job. Then again, this would be a threat to Youn if Sam Rainsy run Cambodia. Try to take your head out of a deep well, you might see other possibility.


Anonymous said...

Mike,take your head out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

To those who kept on criticizing Hun Sen as uneducated and not worthy to lead the nation, let me ask you some questions:

How many successful Americans did you know who were successful due to the fact that they were educated? Let say Henry Ford who founded the Ford Corporation, he didn't even finish high school and yet he founded the Ford Corporation by himself.

What about Thomas Edison; the founder of General Electric, he didn't finish Uni, but he establish a world wide conglomerate that owns anything from light bulbs to aircraft engine manufacturing to steam trains and medical research equipments.

Being successful is about leadership, not about knowledge. You only need to know how to surround yourself with intellectuals to be successful, whereas you yourself might not be an intellect. Success my friend is about courage, not intellect. If you've got the intellect and yet lacking the courage forget about achieving any worthwhile goals in life. Courage takes guts, and one who is determined to stand firm against adversity. Do you think that his illustriousness Sam Rainsey has that quality? P


Anonymous said...

2:28, your argument is meaningless. You're missing the point. you're arguing from a personal point of view not an over all point of view.

Anonymous said...

Please explain 2:36 AM.

Anonymous said...

Pheap(Mike?), shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

You see 2:41 Am, people like you accuses Hun Sen of being uneducated, short-tempered, and behaving like a dictator; you know what? The only dictator that I could see here is you. Unreasonable people, when they couldn't find good reasons to debate with others, they use force of arms. All that I can say is this, people like you if in power would be far worse than Hun Sen 10 times. You tried to shut me up through fear and intimidation, which all dictators would do. In that case, I don't think that I would put trust in people like you to govern the country.


Anonymous said...

From Mike to Pheap
Dear pheap, please accept every things they said, becouse it not worth anything to listen to negative feed back. They always focus on other wrong doing and then they manage to fight back or to make other people hurt. In my article I dericted my whole attention to build leadership quality only, I am absolutly not hurt any one. Regars Mike

Anonymous said...

please read my article below, to make your own right judgemnt. Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike and Pheap, you two should get married. What a cute couple you two can be. You both agree on many things that involve the destruction of Cambodia by Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

To 3:01 am:
I think I should get married with you: 'cause as the saying goes "opposites attract".

Anonymous said...

To Mike from Pheap: By the way Mike, thanks for the advice not to take things too seriously. I am no supporter of Hun Sen or Sam Rainsey, just like you I am a lot more interested in the economic side of things than the political side of things. I think it is more beneficial to give Cambodians through economic rather than politics.

Anonymous said...

There are two kind of people in this world. The one that is good at talking and the one good at doing. It seems like Hun Sen is a better doer than Sam Rainsy or anything other Khmer politician seeing that he has been successful in becoming and remaining the most powerful figure in recent Khmer history.

Whatever your opinion might be, if you can't accept the fact that Hun Sen is better than any of your beloved politicians, you're the one missing the target. If otherwise, it's them not Hun Sen that is ruling Cambodia.

Hun Sen is no angel. He has his flaws but his action has brought Cambodia to where it is today, which if I might say a pretty damn good strive.

The opposition side has some good constructive points but as long as you let your dislike or hatred for the ruling party turn you into nothing but a bunch of jaded cynics, all that you're worth will go down the drain as the ruling party is quite keen on improving and cleaning up all levels of the government.

In a near future when the government cleans up well, you opposition folks better wise your butts up and get smart soon or else, you'll be left behind even more.

Anonymous said...

3:24 AM: I agree with you, that's why I said "Stick with Devil you know than the Devil you don't" You can't change a country overnight. It's more like bunch of people driving in a car. Just because the driver might not be an expert, doesn't mean that every body else should try and grab the wheels off him. If you do that you all would likely get killed. All the back seat drivers would love to think that they could do a better job, but most times, they don't. Who says that Cambodia is not progressing forward at the moment? I remembered years ago there is to be chaos in the whole country. Now, we've got tourists, coming in, Japanese investments, Koreans, Malaysians, China, Australia, and a whole hosts of other nations. You've got to give the current government some credits for that; even though they might not be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Yea, there are two kind of people in the world, Mike and Pheap. They think Hun Sen is doing a good job by destroying Cambodia to make way for Vietnam to take over easier.

Anonymous said...

To 4:17 AM. Where would you be if Hun Sen and the Vietnamese take over? Probably you wouldn't be talking right now would you? Or are you the same as Mr Sam Rainsey who escaped from Cambodia before the Pol Pot era and ran for his life and left all of you to rot. Only until he saw that when someone else had done all the hard work of building up the country, then he decided that it's time for him to return and try to grab hold of the seat of power?

Anonymous said...

4:17 AM

If that's your belief that Cambodia is being destroyed, what are you doing to prevent that besides going on internet blogs?

Anonymous said...

4:17 AM

You seem to be like many of your kind. Talk, talk, talk. Don't be so patriotic and concerned about Cambodia if all you do is talk, man. Your kind of concern is only good for your own self-esteem and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

4:36 AM, 4:41 AM, 4:42 AM. You seen to be like many of your Youn kind, Talk, talk, talk, and steal. Don't be so loving and concern for Hun Sen and Hanoi dogs if all you're going to do is talk, man. Your kind of concern is only good for you own self-estem and nothing else because Youn will be a desease that Cambodia has medicine for.

Anonymous said...

see and heard the same but they have difference idea. that why they want to kill each other to make their point. Think again and
be happy

Anonymous said...

see and heard the same but they have difference idea. that why they want to kill each other to make their point. Think again and
be happy

Anonymous said...

To 4:57 AM. I hate to say this, but it is difficult to explain to some punk kid like you. I had my entire family life being destroyed by idiots as you who are just so persistent in trying force a change to a country that is in the process of healing. Cambodia is in the process of healing; and recovering from the devastation in the Pol Pot era. Sure enough, injustices do exist but force changing it will make it worser than it actually is. Don't behave like that idiot Pol Pot who thinks that he could take back Khmer Krom by waring with the Viets and gambled the Khmer nation with it. Your ideas and his are not so different. You are concerned about the most immediate issues at hand which is injustices and corruptions and lost territories but you failed to take into account of the implications of waging a war with a more powerful enemy. Your enemies is not only the Viets only, but also the opportunistic Thais, you can't take on both of them at the same time. Learn to be reasonable.

Anonymous said...

4:57 AM

can you even make your own comment without stealing other people's words? Looks like thievery is more of your profession than anyone else. Only a thief knows best how thievery is done, right?

Anonymous said...

To 5:22AM. I hate to say this, but it is difficult to explain to some punk kid like you. I'm having my entire nation being destroyed by idiots like Hun Sen and Youn that is in the process of healing. Cambodia is in the process of healing; and recovering from the devastation in the PoL Pot era which was the side effect of Vietnam War. Sure enough, injustice by Youn exist in Cambodia, but the force changing it will bring heal and unity to Cambodia. Don't behave like that idiot Mike and Ho Chi Minh who think that they could take Khmer Krom forever by assuming nothing will ever happen without gambling Vietnam. Your ideas of keeping clamp on Cambodian are the same as Youn dogs. You should be more concern about Hun Sen immdediate issue at hand which are injustice and corruption and lost of territories to Youn but you fail to take in account of the implication of waging war against his own people is more destructible than kissing Hanoi ass. Your enemy is as powerful as you want them to be. Your enemies is not only just Khmer but Sam Rainsy, HRP or any opposition party, you can't take on all of them at same time without Youn get involve. Learn to be reasonable.

Anonymous said...

I like 322, 342,and 522 but I just can't take out off my head of the idea of wiping out the yuon to extinction. No, pol pot have the right idea about the yuon but it back fire badly!! I give credit to Hun sen more than sam or soka but I kinda like Lon rith cause he focus on saving our natural resources and territories than bickering against each other and he seem to lean toward economy 101 than political bickering and blaming while the people are confused and have no directional agenda. I have no problem who lead but I do have problem when we Khmer that treat other Khmer like yuon. I have read these comments of all of you. At the end I hope you guys know who the true enemy are if not you are going to Khmer rouge 101 all over again. But if we can not escape our faith? Than which country do you like to swallow us whole????? The yuon or china???

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Mike, I'm an idiot, please help me, thank you.

Anonymous said...

By reading commenting above, I have no doubt in believing that Pheap and Mike love their country. However, Pheap and Mike failed to realizing that Hun Sen may brings stability to Cambodia within the last 20 years, but with the cost of Khmer's lands. Back in the day, Viet have to send troops including weapon such as tanks, artilleries to invade our land, but now their strategy have completely changed because Viet can take our land anytime without having to fire a sigle shot. Pheap and Mike as well as other young Khmer generation have to understand that Viet have been planing to swallow Khmer's land since the begining of time. You see, most Khmer mentality have always been very passive just like Pheap and Mike, they don't realize the problem until it is too late. One good example of this is our poor brothers and sisters who is currently living on the Viet/Khmer border. These people have been supportive of PM Hun Sen all along until one day their land was being fence out to Youn then their tears starting to drip. For these reasons, we have to look at a bigger picture for any situation. We Khmer don't just want stability while sacrificing our identity by loosing our territories to our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

pheap, this is 2:36. You are right about leardership. Whether educated or uneducated, leaders are not made but rather born to lead. However, you have to understand the over all view of things.

I am a film director, even I listen to others for opinion. To make good movie you have to listen to others. The same could be said about leading a country. One must understand the value of a country does not relies on an individual alone to lead.

The author is right about Vietnam trying its best to keep Hun Sen in power for it interest. Hun Sen has done good things and bad things. In his case the bad things outwitted his good well.

I wish i have more time to explain but unfortunately i don't. I am not an SR's supporter nor CCP's support. But i do know Cambodia needs a new leader. A leader that value his country not his interests.

Anonymous said...

635, from 621. I understand your pain. This is why I always sided with pol pot eventho I lose my father and grandfather and families and friends during his days. Comparing yuon with pol pot is like comparing losing Khmer to yuon or purging the yuon out. We should see pol pot as a small picture while the yuon is the whole picture. We should see pol pot as a history that fail and mistakes but never to blame his intention for our land and Khmers. So 635, since you are in pain. Can I ask you, how do we deal with the yuon issues? Should we deal it like the cpp are dealing with the Thai. But I know your answer is to take hun sen and the cpp out of office. Ok then let say you won an election??!!! Should you keep hun sen and cpp securely in Srok Khmer or wipe them out?????? Your answers will be my judgment.

Anonymous said...

Those that assumed that without Hun Sen, Cambodia would be at war again or whatever, is totally did not educate himself enough about Cambodian. Isn't Youn that brought war to Cambodia in the first place. If you look far back in history with their success of conguering Champa, Youn is using the same tactics. To divide and conquer is the best tactic. Didn't Youn divide up Khmer by splitting Khmer Krom and Khmer Kondall apart, the rest is just a matter of process of elimination. Youn already eliminated Khmer Krom. Khmer Kondall is next. Thank to Hun Sen proped up by Youn, Youn will succeed in their plan. Anyone who do not see the whole picture of Youn agenda is either Youn themselves that infiltrate into this site to distract Khmer or that Khmer is totally a sell out to Youn. He would be a easy target for Youn to use against Khmer. This is why Khmer fight Khmer because we don't stand as one voice. I know Youn is very sneaky and I wouldn't be surprise if one or a few are in here trying to stir up shit with illogical dumbass comment and articles. Whatever, I'm glade we have Khmer to defend their incusion. This is what I call, defending Cambodia interest.

Anonymous said...

To 7:10am from 6:35, you and I both understanding that Hun Sen is fearing for his life for the fact that Hanoi is having a firm grip on his throat since his first day holding office. He has a big ego and letting himself getting too comfortable becausse of power not realizing that he was in too deep with Viet. Hun Sen have been in power over 20 years now and if he is a true patriotic leader he should sacrifice his power as well as his life for his country. By doing so, he needs to expose the truth to the international world of Hanoi's intention with Khmer all along. One example is by taking full advantage using China against Viet. China and Viet have been and will always having conflict over the border issues. As long as we have China on our side, Viet would think twice about their aggression toward us. The true fact is that China see it as a security threat if Viet is to expand anymore in Southeast Asia. On your other question in regarding to wipe out CCP and Hun Sen, I say no. Khmer will survive only if we stick together regardless of our political spectrum. We have to stop the cycle, for centureies we Khmer have been killing each other for the sake of different opinions. In my heart, I believe there are many patriotic individual in CPP party as in SRP or HRP.

Anonymous said...

How did Youn conquered Champa? By using the same sneaky tactics Youn is doing to Khmer now, divide and conquer, of course. If you know anything about Champa history, you should know Youn dirty tactics. First Youn used any opportunity to divide Khmer into 2 parts, Khmer Krom(modern day south Vietnam) and Khmer Kondall(modern day Cambodia. Afterward, Youn start the process of elimination of Khmer Krom, now Youn is working in eliminating Khmer Kandall. Khmer Kandall is the last standing ground. Youn only blame Khmer for losing our land because our weak kings and us fighting among ourselves. Basically, Youn attitude is, it's us that we should blame, we created our own problemS, Youn was just there to take advantage.
So far it has almost 400 years since Youn took step in Khmer land, look where Youn is now. Champa too 700 years to lose everything. Don't give up Khmer land so soon. If Khmer lost this last piece of territory, Khmer is no more. This is why Youn try so hard to take out Cambodia, even if millions of Khmer has to die. Who are we as Khmer to easily fooled by Youn. Champa was a good example but we refuse to listen and learn from our history. Our ancestors warned us so many times, but we very naive by allow ourselves to trust Youn. As a result, what's happening to us now? If Hun Sen is gone, Youn make sure the next Khmer leader will rob Cambodia for Youn. LEARN FROM THE PAST, SO YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER FUTURE.

Anonymous said...

Mike's ten commandments: Either you are tough or you are a loser

By Mike

Persistence is an essential factor in the procedures of transmitting desires into an equivalence of a material success. The basis of persistence is the power of will. Strong desires and will power, if combined together, will become an irresistible pair.

Men who got great success in every major things in life are generally known as cold-blooded, and sometimes ruthless, tyrants. Often they are misunderstood. What they have is will-power, which they mix with persistence and place at the back of their desires to ensure the attainment of their objectives. Toughness and persistence is equal to the character of a man to what carbon is to steel. Now you clearly see that toughness or tyrannical persistence is the only source to great success, don't you?

The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purpose overhead and give up at the first sign of opposition. Those are the men who are significantly indulged in self-importance over service. They speak softly and act gracefully. This manner can only attract weak people and will fail in everything they do. Weak people are those who are weak in desires and persistence. They did find themselves lacking in persistence. It is like a small mount of fire that make a small amount of heat. Now, we clearly see losers considering themselves as self-important over service and the task at their hands, isn't it? Those losers are mainly good in talking, talking and talking but practically they are useless or weak. The first sign of weak people are jealousy, envy, criticism and anger and they destroyed any thing that they have touched.

From 1980 to 1985, during the dark period, the whole Cambodian nation did not have a police force yet. It was an unlawful state. Anyone could have been raped, robbed and killed without being brought to face the proper court system. I remember when I was in law school, gov't did not have criminal law charges against killers in traffic accident yet because on the streets we don't have cars. In those situations and now, we need people who are strong mentally and physically to run our country. And the good things is that gov't has surrounded itself with top intelligent Khmers or foreign mentors. Now we can imagine that Cambodia's future is strong, not weak. Aren't we?

If the gov't is not strong, the Thais will never act like humans, they will always act like barbarians towards Khmer.

Anonymous said...

From 710. I like the idea of keeping us together. I think Hun sen should bring back all his opposition back to Srok Khmer. If he scared of instability than he should bring more securities within Srok Khmer like more polices and militaries and have a firm grip on these issues by punish the violator and reward the good and pay them better. But I kinda don't like your use the word- use china. We should partner with china to the end of time. As friends and goodliness neighbor. After all, we Khmers just want what is our, not from china. Yuon is a thorn and a leach to all us Khmers in my view. Why??? Because they never stop to swallow us whole unlike china is to us.

Anonymous said...

9:21am, you have to understand that China is a "thorn" to Youn just like Youn is to us. This is a real world and we can not stand alone or depending totally on the West to find justice for us. The West mainly only concern over human right issues in Cambodia and when it comes to territorial issues, they are not too concern. Also we are such a small country with over 10 millions people and we are kind of useless in term of eoonomic benefical for the west. Unlike the West, China don't see us more in economic values but rather regional security only. China is looking for friends at this time, especially in Southeast Asia region. For the fact that they made a mistake once back in the Khmer Rough Era with us, they will tried to avoid at all cost to not to repeat it again. The bottom line is that China wants our friendship not our land.

Anonymous said...

6:04 AM: I am a foreigner now. Whatever you wanted to do with you beloved Cambodia, whether for good for bad is up to you. I had decided that I will become a citizen of the world instead; to save having to fight with you all with the fate of Cambodia. From now on, I will become a mere passive observer only. I believe my time is well spent building my business than bickering and fighting with all of you online and wasting my time as the result. At least however, I do understand greatly the mentality of Khmers in general from listening to all of you. My interest in Cambodia is only from a humanitarian stand point. As a human being I had deep sympathy toward those who suffered not just Khmers only but all mankind, because I too once suffered. This is the only rights that I reserved for my future in Cambodia; as regards politics, you sort it out. I just want to make my position clear.


Anonymous said...

Mike shut the hell up. You suck, man. Your article is just a bunch of cut and past paragraphs, stolen vocabulary, twisting and adding remarks taken by well written article wrote by that one annymous intelect. You copied, twisted, added, and manipulated to make it sound good just to win an aurgument, very Vietnamese of you Mike.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Hochimin is hallucinating now; he thinks everyone is out to get him. ha, ha, ha...


Anonymous said...

1057, you will be a foreigner after 10 years. And you will be dress and speak yuon. Bye bye Srok Khmer, hello vietnam!!

Anonymous said...

Khmerization I notice that The guy by the nam of Uncle ho chiminh he had chang his identity and always provock inapropriot comments in your blog, this guy do not add any value to either Sam Rainsy or to the interest of Khmer people. We need to discipline him or ignor him.

Anonymous said...

Anyway guys, it's been a pleasure talking to all of you's. Khmerization as I once read was a block about Khmer unity, but instead it is filled with extremists and right wing Cambos. As I said before "A house divided against itself does not stand" So I guess I won't be visiting this blog any more from now on. So Uncle Ho, you can have all of this blog to yourself to preach your propaganda of hate as much as you want from now on.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Ho Chi Mihn said to Mike,

Ahh....poor baby is crying. What's matter, too many people making a stupid out of you? When you are cornered, you cry for help like a little girl. Very Vietnamese of you Mike. I'm just being a Vietnamese. How do you like your own game. Two can play that game. Mike need to be disciplined and ignored for bad mouthing Sam Rainsy or anyone who speak for the interest of Khmer. You are provoking me to stop your provocation in this site, Mike.

Anonymous said...

From Mike to the author,
Sam rainsy himself couldn't write good English like this, who are this people who wrote this article?. By the way, who you are is not importance to me, but what you had said in this article it showed me that you are not living in Cambodia, and all your believed system are base on newspaper, internet or by sam rainsy himself preached wrong information to you. Whic is amount to 60 percent of those information you gathered are negative from the all sources of those news that you have learned from. you are lieing to the whole world now and you are being blind in your judgment. Infact Hun sen Gov't had done alot better than those previouse Gov't in the late 400 years of the Khmer histories. wasn't it true?
you could only lie to some of those people who was lived in oversea but not to all khmer, I feel very ashame for you when you now make a whit lie in the media . Just to let you know, in Cambodia right now they used tractor to do earth work in the farm, and 100 percent of the people are now usind motor cycle or car to work in their farms. What King Sihanouk had said franch, they got one hero in every 100 years and he said, Khmer got one hero in 800 hundred years, Hun sen is a hero indeed.The king was right, Wan't he?.
If you stile think your boss is the real khmer compatriot, thinks it again, to me he is just a chinese vendor who try to make aliving by the name of Khmer compatriot, looke at bunch of SRP are they capable to do anythings? they worth nothing wasn't right? if he Sam rainsy was a real Khmr compatriot he should call on to UN or USA or European union or he arouse Khmer unity aginst pol pot during darknes time, it is not now for him to stand up for Khmer intrest when we already having peace. Now you clearly see Sam rainsy family from father to son are cheated Khmer for thier own wealthy rich, you know that don't you? Now we are in peace and being establish our country in every feild and in every sectors to catch up with our neighboring countries I think you sould use your wisdom to help and to contribute in rebuilding cambodia and stope your blind believe in serving individaul and thos selfishnes who looking to grab power by acttacking your own nation. If you continue to writ the article base on your own benificial or interest in your own group you will never show the truth to the truth of the real issue. Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Mike, I'm an idiot, please help me, thank you, Mike.

Anonymous said...

oppsosition supporter alway come out with nonsence agurment base on anger and hatred.but no tactic of development of thier own theory to make people in a acceptable way for people to believe in.if not change sam rangsy never achieve anything in 100 year.

Anonymous said...

6:59 PM, you should say 'if Cambodia did not change a leader, Cambodia would never achieve anything in 100 years'. Cambodia needs to kick out a corrupt and incompetent leader like Hun Sen who abused his power and threatened to arrest anyone who has a different opinion from him. Cambodia will never progress if we have a leader like Hun Sen. We need a new leader with a vision for the future. Hun Sen has ruled for 26 years, or even 31 years, yet Cambodia and Cambodians are very poor. Give someone a chance, not necessarily Sam Rainsy, but someone who might have a good idea on how to run the country and less corrupt. He needs to allow himself to be criticized and allow the elections to be free and fair. Stop threatening people, even people from his own party like Sar Kheng and Ke Kim Yan. Look at other countries like America, Japan, England. They changed their leaders every 3-4 years and they have made their countries very strong, peaceful and very, very rich because new leaders always have new ideas on how to run the country. Hun Sen should look at his own failures and resign to allow a better person to take charge.

Anonymous said...

7:58 PM, please forgive that stupid guy, Mike, or any of the Hun Sen dumb supporters out there. Mike doesn't know what he is saying because he's an idiot. Most Khmer don't like Hun Sen, so when there is some stupid person who is very persistence with his supporting of Hun Sen, that guy has to be Youn. He hates SRP because Sam Rainsy speaks against Hun Sen and Youn. Base on my understanding of this guy, the sytle of his writing, the rhetoric, and motive behind his comment and articles, he's definately Youn. We know Hun Sen has been supported by Youn, visa versa. I know, Youn are very sneaky motherf%^$kers, so one or two are in here pretending to be Khmer just to stir things up. They would come up with some of the most illogical and irrational answers imaginable, because they are lying and that is their strength. Wack those bastards in the head with a sledgehammer when they stick their heads up.