A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 July 2008

Kem Sokha: “Large number of voters do not have their names on the voting list”

Kem Sokha (Photo: DR, Cambodge Soir Hebdo)

27 July 2008

By Ky Soklim
Cambodge Soir Hebdo

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Courtesy of Ki-Media

Kem Sokha, president of the Human Rights Party (HRP), accompanied by his family, voted this morning in Kampong Cham city where he is a candidate. Reached by phone, Kem Sokha said that the condition at the polling station was very calm when he arrived there. He also said that the reason for this was the fact that the voters came very early to vote. Nevertheless, with frustration, he noted that a “large number of voters do not have their names on the voting list,” and consequently, “they could not vote.” He added: “People contacted me in several places to let me know this same problem. This is a maneuver made the ruling party and the NEC.” In spite of difficulties, he said that his party members were able to vote nonetheless.

The HRP was set up in 2007. Its main policy is the development of agriculture and the fight against corruption. This is the first time that the HRP enters the election race. During the election campaign, Kem Sokha was optimistic that his party will obtain seats.

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