A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 July 2008

Cambodia's ruling party claims early lead in vote count

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen shows his ink-stained finger to the media after casting his ballot as his wife Bunrany (L) smiles at a polling station during the general election at Takmoa town in Kandal province, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh July 27, 2008.


PHNOM PENH (AFP) - The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) claimed an early lead Sunday shortly after polls closed in general elections expected to extend Prime Minister Hun Sen's 23-year grip on power.

"The early results from all polling stations show that the CPP is leading," said Khieu Kanharith, spokesman for the party and the government.

"We can't say how many seats we will win, but we've gained at least seven more seats" on top of the 73 the party already held in the 123-seat parliament, he added.

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