A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 4 July 2015


School of Vice: "UN 1964 map" printed in Vietnam? Now that is a laughing stock!


Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

It will be the long long bumpy road ahead for the CNRP, but we will keep our fingers crossed for our tiny motherland and each and every Khmer on this planet earth.


Anonymous said...

What YUON want YUON will get it because Hun Sen said YUON is a great boss and Only YUON that make him a great DEK Jo. who can stop this? I think only Kal can make It.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...


Jack Joch Jack Joch for a Fri.'s night dedication please? Thanks.

. said...

You are on your own on this one, Kal. No one can help you!

Anonymous said...

ទឹកដីខ្មេរត្រូវតែយួននៅ អឺអើងអើយ ពិរោះទេ មើលចុះប្រជាជនថាយួនយកដី តែរដ្ឋាភិបាល ថាយួនគេមិនយកឯណា ហើយរដ្ឋាភិបាលហាមថា បើអ្នកណាហ៊ាននិយាយថាយួនយកដី មិនបានដាច់ខាត បើអ្នកនិយាយច្បាស់ជាចូលគុកហើយ ព្រោះគេចោទថាបង្កើតរឿងមិនពិត ហាហាហាហា សៀមឃើយយួនយកបានដូច្នេះ សៀមក័រុំកិលចូលដែរ ។ ហ៊ុន សែន ថាអស់ប៉ុន្មានគ៦អស់ទៅ ឱ​យតែអាញ់បានត្រួតស្តេច

Anonymous said...

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

Enough of the Drgunzet's posting from Khmer Yeourng. You are an idiot!

Anonymous said...

To poster @3 July 2015 at 16:34 - You are a Viet/Yuon idiot instead behind the hidden computer. I am on Khmer Yeourng's side.

Anonymous said...


To those who wanted the moderation to be lifted, aren’t you happy, now?
I told you as long as the posters are anonymous, Drgunzet can use anybody sign off to screw up the whole forum.
Now what should the admins do?
Moderation is too much work for the admins, besides the posters don’t like it, because they don’t see their posting instantaneously.
So there is only one option left and that is_____, I let you fill the blank.

Anonymous said...

Time to seal the border, cut off business tired between the two countries, deport all illegal vietcong, but keep the vietnamese massaging girls and prostitution houses for income flow into Cambodia. When the above problems are solved start to recruiting all anti-VC back into the country then educating them to hand over Vietnam back to their master ( China ).

Anonymous said...

The ONLY official map that counts is the one that was filed with the UN.

Anonymous said...

Dear Compatriots,

Hanoi camouflages its satellite Viet government in Cambodia,
known as the Hun Sen's regime.

Let's stop wasting our time and resources dealing with the puppet,
go directly after the Hanoi PUPPETEER.

To live in peace with Vietnam, we Khmers MUST :

1. Build our country strong militarily, economically and scientifically
2. Make a military alliance with China

Yes, once and for all we CAN and WILL stop Viet expansionism on our Motherland !!!

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

How can you do that? Ah Viet/YUON's slave HUN SEN will have you locked up in his white Woods hotel and the key thrown away.

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Have a happy 4th every one!!!

Anonymous said...

ល្អមើលទេ ទឹកដីនៅតាមទល់ដែនយួនយក មិនត្រឹមតែមិនតវ៉ា តែជាបែរជារួមគុំនិតឱ្យយួនយកទៀត មើលទៅវាសមអីម្លេះទេ រីឯនៅបឹងទន្លេសាបមើលចុះ ទៅសុំអង់្វរ យួន ឱ្យឡើងគោក ហើយចែកដីឱ្យយួនទៀត តែបងប្អូនដឺងទេ យួនគេថាមិនឡើងគោកទេ វាថាខ្មែរត្រូវតែ ស៊ី អាចន័ ផឹកនោមវាបានសមមុខ គិតទៅ តើវាពិតទេ? ហាហាហាហា ស៊ីត្រីបឹងទន្លេសាម តើស៊ីអាចន័យួនមែនទេ? នេះហើយដែលថាគ្មានយួនទេ ចុះឥឡូវវាដូចម្តេចបានជាទៅអង្វរយួន​​ ល្អមើលទេ??????

Anonymous said...

At 10:08

I agree with you, and the CPP puppet’s action has shone through like daylight, but still they keep on denying and prevent the people from accusing them.

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng