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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Safe and inexpensive: Government spruiks relocation from Nauru to Cambodia in fact sheet to asylum seekers

Heath Aston

Political reporter The Sydney Morning Herald

The fact sheet handed to asylum seekers in the Nauru detention centre and refugees living on Nauru by immigration officials, talks up Cambodia as a secure and harmonious society with a cheap cost of living. Photo: Ben Rushton

In 1980, Californian punk band Dead Kennedys released  their second single Holiday in Cambodia. This week, the Coalition government released a document called Settlement in Cambodia.

Both talk about life in the previously war-torn south east Asian nation. But only the seminal punk song's title does so with any irony.

The Abbott government's "fact sheet", handed to asylum seekers in the Nauru detention centre and refugees living on Nauru by immigration officials, talks up Cambodia as a secure and harmonious society with a low cost of living.

River life in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo: Ben Rushton

"Cambodia is a safe country, where police maintain law and order. It does not have problems with stray dogs," the five-page pamphlet notes.

The Australian government's description jars with the most recent security appraisal of Cambodia by the US State Department.

"Cambodia has a high crime rate, including street crime. Military weapons and explosives are readily available to criminals despite authorities' efforts to collect and destroy such weapons. Armed robberies occur frequently, and foreign residents and visitors, including US citizens, are among the victims," the State Department notes.

"The most common type of theft is 'snatch and grab' robbery, and anything that can be quickly grabbed is at risk: cameras, jewellery, purses, backpacks, mobile phones. Pickpockets, some of whom are beggars, are present in the markets and at the tourist sites."

Another highlight, according to the Australian pamphlet is the cost of living. Cigarettes are just $1.59 a packet and a domestic beer costs $1.50, it says.

Petrol is $1.65 a litre, a  basket of fresh fruit and vegetables is $20 and "a meal at inexpensive restaurant" $4.53.

Among the incentives to get people off Nauru and settled in Cambodia as part of the $40 million deal inked between Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and the government in Phnom Penh is a range of financial incentives and relocation costs.

Arrivals will be housed in "serviced apartment, guest house or villa" accommodation for up to three months and then up to 12 months in "affordable long-term accommodation".

A case manager will be provided to asylum seekers to secure employment and families will receive "establishment assistance and cash". "You will also receive a financial assistance for living costs, education, health and rent for a period of time."

Comprehensive health insurance will be provided for four years, including mental health.

"Cambodia has a high standard of health care with multiple hospitals and General Practitioners," the immigration document states.

According to Cambodian government data, levels of health are improving. The average life expectancy for males is 60, up from 47 since 1999. Female life expectancy has risen to 65 from 50.

Refugees have been assured that any babies born in Cambodia will be given citizenship and that families will be able to travel freely inside the country and to their home country if they choose.

But the pamphlet states that no refugees settled in Nauru or Cambodia will be resettled in Australia.

The first group of refugees from Nauru are expected to be flown to Cambodia as early as Sunday.

While asylum seekers in detention reportedly refused to meet with Cambodian officials when they visited the centre recently, up to 10 people are believed to have agreed to be resettled.

A spokeswoman for Mr Dutton said the Abbott government remained committed to the agreement with Cambodia.

"The first group of volunteers is anticipated to depart for Cambodia in the near future," the spokeswoman said.

When the Cambodian deal was announced an alliance of agencies, including UNICEF, Save the Children, Plan International Australia, World Vision, Amnesty International, Refugee Council of Australia, International Detention Coalition and Children's Rights International said they had "grave concerns" about relocating refugee families to Cambodia.

With Lindsay Murdoch

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